How each company’s average wholesale price to retailers compares against the all-company average wholesale prices being charged in each geographic region.
2. How each company’s camera performance and quality compares against industry-wide camera performance/quality.
3. How the number of week-long sales promotion campaigns a company has in each region compares against the regional average number of weekly promotions.
4. How the size of each company’s discounts off the regular wholesale prices during sales promotion campaigns compares against the regional average promotional discount.
5. How each company’s annual advertising expenditures compare against regional average advertising expenditures.
6. How the number of models in each company’s camera line compares against the industry-wide average number of models.
7. The number of retailers stocking and merchandising a company’s brand in each region.
8. Annual expenditures to support the merchandising efforts of retailers stocking a company’s brand in each region.
9. The amount by which a company’s expenditures for ongoing improvement and updating of its company’s website in a region is above/below the all-company regional average expenditure.
10. How the length of each company’s camera warranties compare against the warranty periods of rival companies.
11. How well a company’s brand image/reputation compares against the brand images/ reputations of rival companies.
Competition among rival makers of commercial copter drones is more narrowly focused on just nine sales-determining factors:
1. How a company’s average retail price for drones at the company’s website in each region compares against the all-company regional average website price.
2. How each company’s drone performance and quality compares against the all- company average drone performance/quality.
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3. How the number of models in each company’s drone line compares against the industry-wide average number of models.
4. How each company’s annual expenditures to recruit/support third-party online electronics retailers in merchandising its brand of drones in each region compares against the regional average.
5. The amount by which a company’s price discount to third-party online retailers is above/below the regional average discounted price.
6. How well a company’s expenditures for search engine advertising in a region compares against the regional average.
7. How well a company’s expenditures for ongoing improvement and updating of its website in a region compares against the regional average.
8. How the length of each company’s drone warranties in a region compares against the regional average warranty period.
9. How well a company’s brand image/reputation compares against the brand images/ reputations of rival companies.
Each company typically seeks to enhance its performance and build competitive advantage via its own custom-tailored competitive strategy based on more attractive pricing, greater advertising, a wider selection of models, more appealing performance/ quality, longer warranties, a better image/reputation, and so on. The greater the differences in the overall competitiveness of the product offerings of rival companies, the bigger the differences in their resulting sales volumes and market shares. Conversely, the smaller the overall competitive differences in the product offerings of rival companies, the smaller the differences in sales volumes and market shares. This algorithmic approach is what makes GLO-BUS a “competition- based” strategy simulation and accounts for why the sales and market share outcomes for each decision round are always unique to the particular strategies and decision combinations employed by the competing companies.
As with BSG, all the various generic competitive strategy options—low- cost leadership, differentiation, best-cost provider, focused low-cost, and focused differentiation—are viable choices for pursuing competitive advantage and good company performance. A company can have a strategy
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