“How We Believe” my topic is the current Black Lives Matter movement. What I believe and my stance on the topic is I rather speak about the unjust happening in America that’s causing the movement to spark more change now.


Utilize any social-conscious literature, personal discussions on the recent social upheaval, news coverage, socio-political speeches, presentations, or documentaries, your knowledge of societal views, and your societal observations to explore, evaluate, or defend a belief regarding the topic listed below. It may or may not be your personal belief. You are free to discuss how the ideas/topics addressed in the readings relate directly or indirectly to the world-at-large. Do not feel as if you are held hostage to someone else’s expectations. What do you think or What do you think about the views of others?

I would prefer my sources to just be reliable news or online sources with factual statements and evidence for my view points.

My rubric

1.Complex thesis that asserts and interprets. Superior evidence from source(s). Superior analysis and development. Quality and depth of thought is exceptional.

2.The essay adheres to the tenets of the literary perspective; uses concrete examples from the text; use of the criticism is superior and original.

3.Appropriate word choice that clearly conveys the intended message. The language used is acceptable for college-level communication.

4.Intro provides context and conclusion draws from content with originality and flair. Topic sentences all clearly relate to thesis. Paper and paragraphs all show unity and coherence. Structure is logical and proportioned.

5. Correct MLA format for paper. Documentation and citations correspond correctly. Appropriate mix of summary, paraphrase, and quotation.

I will not be sending any files all the information is here.

Thank you the help

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