India and the British Empire 19th century
This assignment asks you to develop and support an argument, based on one of the following questions, using at least 2 sources (from the list below) on India and the British empire in the nineteenth-century. At least one source must be from a non-British perspective. The essay should be approximately 1,000 words.
The readings, discussion questions, and class sessions are sufficient background and context for this essay. Since this is a primary source study the focus is on the texts themselves and what can be learned from them (rather than conducting outside research). That means there will be questions the texts cannot answer and material they will not be able to provide. This is to be expected, and you may incorporate these questions, problems, or issues in your analysis. The objective is to make the strongest case you can from the material you have.
Sources (Choose at least 2. Of those, at least one must be from a non-British source, and at least one must be a source we have not read for class).
—-I will send sources needed—-
1)How do we see the exercise of authority in India, based on the sources? What form(s) did authority take? Who exercised authority and how did they justify it? Be sure to define the form(s) of authority you are examining.
2)How did status (social, racial, religious, political, and so forth) shape relationships, institutions, practices, or encounters between different groups in India? Be sure to define the form(s) of status you are examining.
3)How is honorable (or dishonorable) action defined in these sources? Did different groups have different understandings of honor? To what extent did conceptions of honor/dishonor shape relations between different groups in India during British rule?
4)Beyond the taking up of arms, what power did Hindus and Muslims have in British India, according to these source, and how did they exercise it? Be sure to define the form(s) of power you are examining.
5)How did religion, and religious difference, shape relations, events, or institutions in India during British role?