Information Tech
Go to and check New York Times Company’s recent financial reports.
Is the business model working effectively? Can the company’s business model remain sound as more consumers go to the Internet to find general information and stay abreast of current events and news stories? Is its revenue stream from advertisements growing or declining? Are its subscription fees and circulation increasing or declining?
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the course( marketing strategy and consumer behaviour) and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:
As applied to your current professional career
As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career
As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position
As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the course(marketing strategy and consumer behaviour) and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organizations strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.
This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers.
3)Discussion Question 1 – Applied Concepts (AC) – Week/Course Learning Outcomes
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the course( Business Intelligence and Information Systems)and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:
As applied to your current professional career
As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career
As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position
As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the course( Business Intelligence and Information Systems) and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organization’s strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers.
4) Explain the concepts of Electronic Business Value, and Ethics & Information Security. (CLO)
Each student is to research a current event that is related to one or more of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) . You should use the Internet; electronic news agencies or journals to research a current event should be no more than 1 year old. An analysis should be conducted on your researched current event (related to one or more CLO’s). Each student must create PowerPoint slide(s) and should include:
● A summary of the event
● A brief statement about the relationship of the current event to the CLO(s)
● As a manager, how would apply what you have learned to an organization
● Include an industry example demonstrating the application of your researched current event
●You must label your slides as “Current Event to CLO”
● Prepare and submit a 1-2 slide PowerPoint (don’t forget to include these slides in your final CLA2 PPt.)
The grade for this ALA (E) will be reflected in your final CLA2 PPt. grade. Part of the grade will be based on the timeliness of your submission; due this current week.
Note: It is expected that you complete this assignment during this current week however, there is nothing that must be turned in this current week. Just be sure to include your “current event” slides in your final CLA2 PPT.