Informative Speech Outline

Assignment 2.1 Informative Speech Outline Due Week 4:

Topic: How Technology Has Impacted Society

Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.

—Download the Microsoft Word template in the “Assignment 2.1” section located in Week 4 of your course.

—Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll stay within the 3–minute time limit.

—You must use at least two quality resources.

This How the outline should be:

Sample Student Outline

Topic: Insert topic here

Introduction –

A. Capture your audience’s attention with a quote, anecdote, or personal experience
B. Build up to the main reason for the speech
Thesis Statement – I have now chosen to go to college at this juncture in my life because of financial, personal, and emotional reasons.

I. First Main Point – Financial Reasons

A. Secure and comfortable financial future

B. Dissatisfaction in current job

C. Goals for the future (Light, 2018)

II. Second Main Point – Personal Reasons

A. Graduating from college is an important milestone (“First in family”, 2010)

B. Make family proud.

C. Positive role model for children.

III. Third Main Point – Emotional Reasons

A. Overcome self-doubt

B. Past negative experience

C. Understanding my abilities

Conclusion –

A. Restate thesis statement and main points

B. Summarize presented ideas

C. Conclude with compelling remark


First in family to attend college. (2010). Retrieved from

Light, M.A. (2018). Setting goals for a college student. (2018). Retrieved from

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