Interim Learning Report


MGB227 Assessment Item 2 – Interim Learning Report (ILR)
SECTION 1 – Who Is Your Customer and What Can You Do for Them (2000 words, 75%) SECTION 2 – Entrepreneurial Learning (750 words, 25%)
Submission: Individual Written Report

The written report is an individually submitted written report. The group experience is designed to work to your advantage, to the extent that it does please utilise the benefits of group collaboration. If it does not work to your advantage, or you decide to take a separate path, you may use the group experience as you need, i.e. for further collaboration, for accountability, for moral support, etc.

You will have a series of worksheets to guide you in your primary and secondary market research and subsequent decision making. You have the option to do all ideation, worksheets, and action steps together as a group. The benefits of maximising the group experience are:

Break complex tasks into stages and steps

Plan and manage time

Delegate roles and responsibilities

Refine understanding through discussion and explanation

Share diverse perspectives

Give and receive feedback on performance

Challenge assumptions

Receive social support and encouragement

Your individual assessment will be marked on the merit of the individual report, not on the topic you originally choose nor based on the group you originally started with.

Some suggestions for the report:

o Use 1.15 line spacing and a readable font (Calibri/Arial) o Use normal or moderate margins
o Include page numbers
o Do not use page borders

o The 2750-word limit is for the main part of the final report (not data tables, references, or appendix).

o Include a cover page to the assignment
o Use APA7.0 referencing style throughout the document (for referencing in tables you may

choose to use IEEE or numerical superscript referencing styles for space considerations) o Submit to Turnitin via Blackboard before 23:59 on the due date
o Work to not submit the report at 23:58 on the due date
o Keep backup electronic copies of your assignment & of the submission receipt

The following is a guide as to how the assessment can be structured. Use the

 Headings as the structure of your report.

Opportunity Statement
Provide a brief summary of your choice problem/opportunity/new venture idea in the

context of the industry partner choice/own venture idea (not included in word count).

SECTION 1 – Our Customer and What We Can Do for Them (2000 words, weighting 75%)

1. Show your understating of your selected market and your customer through significant facts and supporting details in the application of the DE Steps (10 marks; 25% of the total mark; approximately 650-700 words)

The goal: analyse your idea’s context with significant facts and supporting details included and referenced

Market Segmentation, BHM and TAM
Present your market segmentation (Step 1), selected beachhead market (BHM) (Step 2) and its total

addressable market (TAM) size (Step 4).

End User Profile and Persona
Build your end user profile (Step 3) and profile the persona for the BHM (Step 5)

2. Demonstrate knowledge of your product/service solution, customer use, acquisition, and value proposition through product/service solution specifications, customer use, acquisition, and value proposition. (10 marks; 25% of the total mark; approximately 650-700 words)

The goal: show your logic and deep understanding – more than identifying, listing, and describing; have you applied, explained, compared, contrasted, analysed, hypothesised, critiqued, designed…?

Full life cycle use case
Show a full life cycle use case (Step 6)

Customer’s DMU
Show the customer’s decision-making unit (DMU) (Step 12) in acquiring the product/service.

Product specifications
Identify your anticipated product specifications (Step 7)

Quantified value proposition

Quantify the value proposition (Step 8).

3. Show your understanding of your competitive position, process to acquiring paying customers and identification of next 10 customers (10 marks; 25% of the total mark; approximately 650-700 words)

The goal: show comprehensive (exceptional attention to accuracy and detail) articulation of your competitive position, process to acquiring paying customers and identification of your next 10 customers.

Competitive advantage
Define your Core (competitive advantage) (Step 10) and chart your competitive position (Step 11).

Customer Acquisition
Map the process to acquiring a paying customer (Step 13) and identify your next 10 customers (Step


SECTION 2 – My Entrepreneurial Learning (750 words, weighting 25%)

Clearly express your learning about entrepreneurship in light of your life experiences as well as group work in the unit, while considering how entrepreneurship may be useful for your future ambitions.

Entrepreneurial Mindset and Process

1. Identify and evaluate your new learning about entrepreneurship and your entrepreneurial mindset in the context of context in past/current life experience (4 marks; 10% of the total mark; approximately 300 words)

The goal: depth (emotionally profound) and clarity in:
o identifying and evaluating your new learning about entrepreneurship
o your entrepreneurial mindset in the context of context in past/current life experience

Thinking and Information Sources
2. Compare your thinking to that of others, reinterpreting your life experience and the importance

of new information sources (3 marks; 7.5% of the total mark; approximately 225 words).

The goal: depth (emotionally profound) and clarity in: o comparing your thinking to that of others
o reinterpreting your life experience
o the importance of new information sources

Actions, Attitudes and Beliefs

3. Explain your approach to learning about entrepreneurship, the drivers behind your actions, attitudes and beliefs and their future application (3 marks; 7.5% of the total mark; approximately 225 words).

The goal: depth (emotionally profound) and clarity regarding: o your approach to learning about entrepreneurship
o the drivers behind your actions
o reflective articulation of attitudes and beliefs and

o the future application of the above

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