International Management – Written Assignment 2
Written Assignment 2
Write a 4- to 5-page paper (1000 to 1375 words) in APA format and thoroughly address the prompts below. Whenever possible, provide specific examples or recommendations. Be sure to cite all of your sources and include at least one outside source in this paper.
For this assignment, please select two specific countries (whose systems are different from each other) to compare as your focus. Provide a descriptive title or heading for your paper such as, “Political and Economic Developments in…” [MO 2.1, MO 2.2, MO 2.3, MO 2.4, MO 2.5]
Address all of the following prompts in your paper:
1. Explain in detail why and how the political systems of your chosen countries differ.
2. Discuss how the legal systems of your chosen countries differ.
3. Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation and describe the economy of each country, including the level of technology used.
4. Discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide and include examples.
5. Analyze how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems.
Grading criteria Political systems You thoroughly explain why and how the political systems of your chosen countries differ. You adequately explain why and how the political systems of your chosen countries differ. You minimally explain why and how the political systems of your chosen countries differ. You inadequately explain why and how the political systems of your chosen countries differ. null
Legal systems You thoughtfully discuss how the legal systems of your chosen countries differ. You satisfactorily discuss how the legal systems of your chosen countries differ. You narrowly discuss how the legal systems of your chosen countries differ. You insufficiently discuss how the legal systems of your chosen countries differ. null
Economic development You discerningly explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation and thoughtfully describe the economy of each country, including the level of technology used. You explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation and satisfactorily describe the economy of each country, including the level of technology used. You haphazardly explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation and minimally describe the economy of each country, including the level of technology used. You carelessly explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation and barely describe the economy of each country, including the level of technology used. null
Political and economic changes You insightfully discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide and include specific, relevant examples. You satisfactorily discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide and include examples. You incompletely discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide and include limited examples. You incoherently discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide and include irrelevant examples. null
Transition economies You completely and effectively analyze how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems. You analyze how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems. You moderately analyze how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems. You insufficiently and/or ineffectively analyze how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems. null
Sources and documentation You strictly comply with APA Style in clearly documenting and incorporating relevant and current sources of information; you effectively support ideas and arguments using in-text citations linked to the references at the end of the paper. You generally comply with APA Style in documenting and incorporating mostly relevant and current sources of information; you capably support ideas and arguments using in-text citations linked to the references at the end of the paper. You incompletely and/or inconsistently comply with APA Style in documenting and incorporating somewhat relevant and current sources of information; you minimally support ideas and arguments using in-text citations linked to the references at the end of the paper. You do not comply with APA Style in documenting and/or incorporating relevant and current sources of information; you ineffectively support ideas and arguments using in-text citations linked to the references at the end of the paper. null
Expectations/completeness You fulfill the length requirement for the assignment, thoroughly address all assignment criteria, and fully develop and explore concepts. You fulfill the length requirement for the assignment and sufficiently address assignment criteria and explore concepts. You do not fulfill the length requirement for the assignment and/or incompletely address assignment criteria and explore concepts. You do not fulfill the length requirement for the assignment and/or inadequately address assignment criteria and explore concepts. null
Mechanics You write in complete, well-constructed sentences with faultless grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; writing is sharp, coherent, and demonstrates sophisticated clarity. You write in complete sentences with mostly correct grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; minor errors may exist but do not compromise meaning. You write in unclear sentences with significant errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling that may compromise meaning. You write in incomplete, incomprehensible sentences filled with serious errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, or spelling. null
APA format You use APA format accurately and consistently. You use APA format consistently but with minor violations. You use APA format inconsistently or reflect an incomplete knowledge of it. You inaccurately use APA format. null