Code: K & M =Karns and Mingst (2015), International Organizations: Politics and Process Global Governance (Textbook)ISBN: 978-1-62637-151-4; BPM=Briefing Paper Memo; CE=Current Events
Use Discussion Board to submit: Chapter Presentations (Outline or PP); Briefing Paper Memo Topic Selection
BPM—Briefing Paper Memos and Final Topic Presentation to be submitted in Turnitin—Label Assignments YourNameClassName Assignment (ex: JoeSmithPAD260BPM1GlobalWarming)
Course Calendar
Date Themes, topics, readings and assignments Due
Aug 31 What is international public administration–K&M-Ch1-2
Sep 1 What is international public administration–K&M-Ch1-2
Sep 3 IGOS and Foundations Global Governance-K&M-Ch3-75-108
Sep 6 The United Nations and its Organs (Part 1) K&M-Ch4-109-160
Sep 9 The United Nations and its Organs (Part 2) K&M Ch4 Cont. +Class Research
Sep 12 Intro to International Law + International Court of Justice K&M-Various BPM #1 Due
Sep 15 NO BB CLASS–Review Comments—Memo Writing
Sep 18 Regional Organizations, Alliances, Civil Society K&M-Ch5-161-238
Sep 21 Non-state Actors and NGOs and IGOs K&M-Ch6-239-278
Sep 24 The Search for Peace& Security (Part 1);K&M-Ch 7-279-379 Mechanisms for peaceful settlement of disputes
Sep 27 Peace and Security (Part 2)-Ch7 BPM#2 Due
Sep 30 Review—Final Project Update-topic? Log #2 Due
Oct 3 Global Economic Governance –Economics-Finance-Trade-Regionalization K&M-Ch8-379-424`
Oct 6 Eco Well Being +Human Development+Index K&M-Ch9-425-465
Oct 9 Sustainable Development; case studies; Sustainable development in developing countries
Oct 12 Human Rights—Protecting Human Rights; the processes of Human Rights Governance +Case Studies and discussions K&M-Ch 10-467-528
Oct 15 Human Rights (Part 2) —Case Studies—Discussion
Oct 18 Protecting the Environment—Role-responsibility major powers K&M-Ch 11-529-572 BPM#3-Due
Oct 21 Global warming; Global Environmental Regimes + Institutions Ch11-Cont
Oct 24 Dilemmas & Understanding Global Governance — K&M-Ch 12-573-592
Oct 27 Presentations—Review Final Briefing Paper Memos
Oct 30 Presentations Final Memo Due (Turnitin)
Nov 3 Presentations Final PP Due(Turnitin)
Nov 6 All outstanding work + Class Presentation (PP)+Final Log to be submitted by midnight Sunday All Work
Log #3 Due
Nov 9 In-Class Final Class Assessment-
Course description: Review of the institutions, processes, and policy issues associated with the administration of international organizations and the implementation of international agreements. Focus on the development of functional and regional international organizations in the context of international legal, political, and economic structure, and the administrative processes and structures that are associated with such organizations. Comparison of structures and styles of public management in other nations and cultures will be an important focus of this course.
Course Goals & Learning Outcomes: This course is designed to help you become familiar with the changes and trends in the global environment that affect the operations and policies of all governments. This course further emphasizes the role of international organizations, non-governmental organizations and formal/informal aggregations of governments and global interests in emerging and managing global issues. The role of US governments in these organizations will be examined, as well as the impact of these issues on the functioning of American public administration institutions. The concept of global governance, particularly relating to global public goods, such as health, safety and community, will be examined.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand Core Mechanisms: Describe the relevant approaches and methods and institutions that are used to govern international public policy issues
• Understand the Environment: Describe the public administration processes within an international environment
• Explaining Challenges & Opportunities: Explain the challenges and opportunities associated with the administration of international public policies and programs
• Analysis & Problem Solving: Examine how international tools and methods are applied to access and solve problems in an international environment
• Organize and Communicate Information: Present the final written research project examining an international public policy issue
• Application: Apply current events on issues of international concern to enhance comprehension
Key themes include
• Institutions (formal and informal) in the global community of nations
• Global issues impacting on US-based public administration operations and policies
• The role of international law and international agreements
• The role of information technology (e.g., Internet and social networking sites) in the globalization of issues and events
Briefing paper memos and final memo: At the beginning of the semester students will choose a topic from a list provided by the instructor. These topics will be used for individual student research. There will be three briefing paper memos worth 10 points each. These will then form the basis for the Final Memo, worth an additional 10 points, all on the same topic.
Detailed guidance for each briefing paper will be posted on Blackboard. Each of the three briefing papers require a minimum of 6 sources. The Final Memo will require a minimum number of 10sources.
The research memos will involve 4 steps (the three briefing memos as well as the final memo). Detailed guidance for each briefing report will be posted on blackboard and will include the minimum number of sources for each paper.
Step1: Briefing Paper Memo (BPM)# 1 will describe a major issue in international policy or globalization, the extent of the issue (i.e. whether it affects the whole world or just a specific region or group of countries), trends (i.e. is it getting worse or is it getting better) and discuss why a global response is or is not desirable. Students will choose the topic guided by the instructor. (Minimum 1000 words, Minimum sources 6) (10pts)
Step 2: Briefing PaperMemo (PBM) # 2 will describe:
a) 6 of the main international Intergovernmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations that are concerned with the topic and how they are dealing with it generally;
b) The international laws and norms related to the issue.
(Minimum 1000 words, minimum sources 6) (10pts)
Step 3: Briefing PaperMemo (PB) # 3 will explain in more detail the extent of the problem in at least 2 countries/regions, explain what activities at least 4 of the IGOS/NGOs featured in paper # 2 are carrying out in those countries/regions and discuss the institutional capacities needed to deal with the issue in the future. (Minimum 1000 words, minimum sources 6) (10pts)
Step 4: Final Memo #4—will use the content of the first three memos, appropriately improved, edited and corrected on the basis of feedback from your instructor and the writing center for the main content of your final paper.
The final paper will include:
• A description of the issue, trends, and the parts of the world affected by the issue;
• An explanation of the international treaties, laws and norms that address the issue;
• A discussion of how effective the main international Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are addressing this issue, and the impact at the national level (in at least 2 countries/regions)
• A discussion of the institutional capacities and resources necessary to deal with the issue in the future.
The final paper will be a minimum of 3,000words excluding bibliography and use a minimum of 12 sources
Presentation: Students will make a presentation (minimum10-slides, 10 minutes) PowerPoint presentation to the class covering their research.
Evaluation-Assessment: Students will have three opportunities to evaluate their work, the class, and the material. There will be an initial log for students to reflect on how they are going to prepare and organize their time in order to successfully keep up with all class readings and assignments. There will be a second opportunity mid-way through the semester to assess individual work, group dynamics, and conceptual material. The final assessment at the end provides a place for students to appraise their efforts, evaluate the class material and make recommendations on ways to improve.
Writing assignments and professional communications
All assignments should be single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins.
The papers must include in text citations and a reference page showing all sources used. Citations and references should be in accordance with APA guidelines which will be posted on Blackboard. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. However, Wikipedia can be used to provide an overview of a topic, and identify links to references that are more appropriate in the academic setting.
All written assignments must be submitted through via Blackboard.
Points will be deducted for non-compliance with any of the above.
Label all word files with YourNameClassAssignmentTopic (ex: JoeSmithPAD260BPM1GlobalWarming)
Timely completion of assignments—LATE SUBMISSION POLICY:
Due dates for the assignments are shown on the course calendar. Please contact me directly—through email if there is a problem. Unexcused late assignments will be penalized. Unless an emergency, or illness, please make requests to delay submission of an assignment in advance.
Required Text:
Karns, Margaret P., Mingst, Karen A. and Stiles, Kendall W. (2015). Third Edition. International Organizations: The Politics of Global Governance. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publications. ISBN: 978-1-62637-151-4
To find a used copy, good source to use is—which compares sources:
Students will be expected to make use of current events (newspapers) as well as international resources, such as IGO and NGO websites, UNPAN (United Nations Public Administration Network,, the World Bank Institute, and sources such as Transparency International