
Applied social psychology, clinical and Counseling psychology, learning and cognition, and personality theories are some of the subjects explored in this study. Applied social psychology is regarded as a research-based discipline. It focuses on both supervised and unsupervised research initiatives. Attitudes, social cognition, social influence, decision making, health promotion, and illness prevention are some of the themes covered by applied social psychology. Various distinct ideas are relevant to apply social psychology. Just a few of the theories include attribution theory, dissonance, drive theory, elaboration likelihood model, motivation swamping theory, learning theory, schemata theory, personality theory, social comparison theory, social exchange theory, social identity theory, self-verification theory, social penetration theory, social-emotional selectivity theory, rational choice theory, and terror management theory. Clinical psychology is claimed to deal with the detection and treatment of mental diseases. Depression, anxiety, and eating-related disorders are examples of mental, emotional, behavioral, learning, and substance misuse issues, as well as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Counseling psychology concentrates on a person’s personal and interpersonal functioning throughout their life. Emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational challenges are just a few topics that counseling psychology works on. Psycho-dynamic, humanistic, behavioral/cognitive-behavioral, and systems and family therapy are only a few of the theories used in clinical and Counseling psychology. The process of acquiring a skill or information is referred to as learning psychology. A person goes through when learning a new skill or information is called cognition psychology.


Applied Social Psychology Domain

Because it can explain a person’s memories, applied social psychology is an essential discipline of psychology. Memories are one of the most important components of a person’s personality, and they exist in everyone. Experiences shape a person’s identity by allowing them to choose whether or not to repeat acts linked with those memories.

About the article “Is Memory Preservation,” Memories may be divided into three categories. The first type of memory is episodic memory, which allows a person to relive a past sensory experience, a phenomenon known as “mental time travel.” The second type of memory is non­imagistic memory, in which a person knows something without knowing how or when they learned it (Matthen, 2010). The third type of memory is imagistic recollections, neither autobiographical nor self-involved. This article also tells us that memories aren’t just something you’ve seen in your head; they can also include things like photos and beliefs.

The article “A New Solution to the Recovered Memory Debate,” Because it addressed three various sorts of memories that people experience, was significant to the topic that I chose. There are three sorts of memories: retrieved, forgotten, lost, fake memories, and not thinking about anything for an extended period. According to the study, people who “forgot” did not regard their recollections as traumatic. Instead, they viewed it in 10 distinct ways. The first option would be perplexing, repulsive, or frightening (McNally and  Geraerts 2009). The second possibility is that it only occurs once or twice. The third possibility is that the victim did not see the recollection as sexual or harmful. The fourth method would be for the victim to avoid thinking about the incident constructively. The final method is that the absence of reminders aided forgetting. The sixth possibility is that the victim has forgotten memories of the assault. The seventh method would be for the victim to be surprised when they realized they had forgotten the encounter as an adult. The eighth possibility is that the recollections occur spontaneously outside of treatment. The ninth method is that memories that arise outside of treatment are more likely to be validated. Finally, according to a laboratory study, the eleventh method is that memories in psychotherapy reveal increased false recollections.

The article “Autobiographical memory specificity in adults reporting repressed, recovered, or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse” is significant to the topic I chose since it discussed persons who had PTSD as well as others who did not. In addition, individuals who had been abused, those who believed they had been abused, and those who did not believe they had been abused were included in the study (McNally et al.,2016). Out of the three groups (abused, believed they were abused, didn’t think they were), the repressed group had the most problem recalling specific recollections of being abused in the past. In trauma-exposed people with PTSD, recalling specific memories appears to be more difficult than those without PTSD, and those people may have altered cognitive functional evaluations.

The article “Clinical Characteristics of Adults Reporting Repressed, Recovered, or Continuous Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse” is about suppressed, retrieved, and continuing memories. There was also a discussion of the Betrayal Trauma Theory. “Food or shelter” is another name for Betrayal Trauma Theory (dependence illustrated by depending on another for something). Abusers such as coaches, priests, relatives, uncles, neighbors, camp counselors, and others use their positions to the utmost extent possible and for wrong reasons (Brown et al., 2010). The abuser believes that whenever the victims want food or shelter, they should “give” them something in exchange. Generally, when a caregiver is involved rather than a non­caretaker that the victims suffer more memory impairment. That is to say, they are unable to recall it.

The article “Do Siblings’ Fertility Decisions Influence Each Other? It discussed the link between siblings and their fertility decisions and social influence theory. It is critical to consider how people’s fertility affects their lives. The social influence hypothesis describes how one person’s conduct changes due to another person’s purposeful or accidental influence. People frequently engage in social influence theory without realizing it, while some do it on purpose. Except for the periods of weddings, baptisms, and funerals, according to the article, siblings typically have a strong link at first. Then it begins to deteriorate with time due to envy.

In the article “Memory and identity,” Memory and personal identity are intertwined in several ways in this film. People believe that events in their past are remembered, which is correct. Everything you’ve done in the past, present, and future has shaped and continues to shape your unique identity. This article discusses why remembering something is not the same as telling someone about it (Schechtman 2011). It is a component of their identity for the individual who first witnessed it; nevertheless, for the person who witnessed it afterward, it is a recollection but not a part of their identity.

The article “When Great Minds Don’t Think Alike .” Using Mock Trials in Teaching Political Thought” is about group thinking theory, but it was also about one professor who taught a course in the style of a mock court case from beginning to end. The groupthink hypothesis describes psychological phenomena in which people make erroneous or unusual decisions (Ahmadav, 2011). The professor wanted to clarify what he meant in the essay when he claimed that brilliant brains don’t think alike. So, after lecturing his students on the history of mock trials and courts, the professor set them up in the classroom for a mock trial that lasted the entire course.

Learning and cognition domain

According to Como & Maandinach (2004), Learning and cognition psychology is essential because it relates to showing and learning different skills and knowledge. Learning different skills and knowledge is something that we all do every day. It might even be in a time when you do not realize that you are learning. The article “Learning Theories & Their Application to Science Instruction for Adults” discusses the cognitive theory and how adults learn things differently from children. Cognitive theory is a critical, educational, and communication theory that uses interpersonal relationships, experiences, and outside media influence to explain human behavior. (According to Bass et al., 2012). According to Hartman (2012), the sociocognitive architecture of symbolic comprehension proposes that sociocognitive is one technique for collating the residual research on symbolic maturation for deafblind children. The sociocognitive framework aids in understanding the development of children’s capabilities and how their abilities are bolstered by their participation in social and cultural activities. Endacott & Bowles (2013) argue that in today’s society, 42 percent of elementary school students’ households include at least one individual who can speak more than one language. Therefore, teachers must teach their pupils following their culture and diversity to learning within the confines of who they are as individuals. Students learn about various cultures that exist and the actuality that people do not value the very same things in the same way when they see various versions of how individuals in other cultures dress, celebrate festivals, exercise religious beliefs, or socialize in everyday life when they see representations of how individuals in other cultures dress, celebrate festivals, exercise religious beliefs, or interact in daily life.

According to the article ‘Brainy Type: a look at how the brain perceives typographic information,’ Thiessen et al. (2015) indicate that people have a harder problem recognizing letterforms in harsher typefaces than in easy typefaces since the cognitive process is linked to the mind. The researchers used EEG equipment in their research to see how the brain interprets typographic information. This makes sense in terms of learning and cognition. The article ‘Developing Health Literacy Knowledge and Skills Through Case-Based Learning’ discusses pharmacy students’ literacy understanding and capacity to handle patients with inadequate health literacy through case-based learning. Students were challenged to create a care plan for patients who lacked adequate health literacy. According to a study, students who had to undertake case-based learning in the pharmacy field were effective in fulfilling their learning goals and objectives within the course they were taking. ( Lopez 2014)

Personality theories domain

Personality theories are essential in psychology since they explain how a person behaves, feels, and looks based on their behavior, emotions, and physical traits. According to the paper “Improving Work Performance for Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison of Two Work-Based Learning Interventions,” “many adolescents with EBD lack practical job experience while in high school, as a result of which they experience high rates of unemployment or low-paying, unsatisfying occupations several years after graduating,” “many adolescents with EBD lack practical job experience while in high school, as a result of which they encounter high rates of unemployment or (Garcia 2011).

The article “Behavioral Perspectives on Personality and Self” discusses how one’s behavior affects one’s personality and self-concept. The five-factor model (FFM) was utilized in the essay to describe the five different traits that a person has: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. (Phelps 2015).

The following statement from the article “Both ‘being with’ and ‘doing to’: Borderline personality disorder and the integration of humanistic values in contemporary therapy practice” stood out: “the validity of the concept of ‘personality disorder’ has not only been questioned in itself (Steffen 2013) but doubts about its applicability to people who present with difficulties that are regarded as borderline have also been raised.

The paper “Improving Work Performance for Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison of Two Work­Based Learning Interventions” looks at how students with EBD might gain the social competence needed to enter the workforce. In addition, the paper looks at two distinct types of work, paid internships and service-learning jobs, to assess which type of work EBD students would need to help them prepare for the marketplace after high school. (Curtin & Garcia 2011)

The study “Personality and Social Problem-solving: The Mediating Role of Self-esteem” examines the relationship between personality, self-esteem, and social problem-solving. Temperament and ego, personality and problem-solving, and then self-esteem and conflict resolution have all been studied before, but never all three simultaneously. The focus of this piece was on the subject. Participants were university students who were picked at random. (Koruklu, 2015).

The case study in the article “Unravelling the Roots of Personality Disorganization through Psychodynamic Lens: A Case Study” is about a 19-year-old young lady who is having behavior problems at home. Her family is concerned about her, so she will see a therapist see if she can get some assistance. The therapist used the Brief Dynamic Therapy (BDT) method. ‘Brief Dynamic Therapy aims to transform a client’s psychopathology by conceptualizing it within the frameworks of psychoanalytic thought and actively working out a focal problem area. (Mitra et al., 2013).

Clinical and CounselingCounseling Psychology domain

Clinical and counseling services are available. Psychology is an important branch of psychology since it benefits individuals and those around them. People in positions of authority over most are a good illustration. In today’s world, some require support in everyday situations. There are 33 various perspectives on guardianship, according to the article “Modern Guardianship: Legal and Clinical Perspectives.” When someone is awarded guardianship over another person, it indicates that they are assisted in making decisions. (2011, Dragon).

The article “Factors Associated with Contraceptive Use and Nonuse: Discusses the Unintended Pregnancies that Women May Be at Risk” attempts to understand what factors can be risky for the use of patterns for the programs and policies place to reduce unintended pregnancies. This study employed a telephone survey to analyze women’s diverse contraceptive use patterns. (Frost et al.,2007)

According to American Psychological Association (2014), the purpose of the article “Guideline for Prevention in Psychology” is to inform psychologists, the general public, and those who are interested in prevention about the guidelines that are part of professional practices. All of the guidelines are recommended because of their benefits to the general public and psychology professionals. The recommendations aid human functioning by allowing psychologists to engage in preventative work, research, and education.

The suggestions assist in increasing participation in various preventative actions.

Guardians are individuals who have the power to make choices on behalf of others. This is done to guarantee that persons who need a guardian have someone to help them make decisions. In the essay “Modern Guardianship: Legal and Clinical Perspectives,” those who have guardianship over others are examined. This page covers a wide range of subjects concerning modern guardianship. To name a few, guardianship was created to give “substituted judgment” to safeguard people while allowing them to participate as much as possible in decision-making. (Drogin, 2011).

According to Rivera, Drown & Banks (2007) in the essay “Prevention Actions in Professional Psychology: A Reaction to the Prevention Guidelines” is a response to the Prevention Guidelines. It discusses the historical backdrop for the various prevention activities in psychology. This page also discusses a Major Contribution published by S. M. Hage and their criticism of it. Along with the historical backdrop and analysis, the writers discuss how the rules will be used in the future. According to the article, students studying psychology are being trained as psychologists. Therefore, they should be exposed to the essential concerns in American society. Ethnic and cultural minorities, the hearing challenged, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender groups, and others are topics students should be taught about.

The article “Promoting Child and Family Resilience to Disasters: Effects, Interventions, and Prevention Effectiveness” examines the findings of research involving children, youth, and families to help them cope with the problems that they face. The article looks at the issues that children face, as well as the risk and protective factors, as well as the solutions that are linked to dangerous situations. (Ronan and colleagues, 2008). The essay also looks at other preventative strategies that might help children and their families deal with medical and psychological concerns that may occur. The authors connect children’s learning and enthusiasm at home and in their families.

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