Introduction to Business Communications Assignment
The exam consists of 3 Tasks.
You are working in the Human Resource Department of Wheelie, a small company producing wheelie bins. Due to some recent sales failures as a result of poor communication and data confidentiality being breached, the company director has asked you to educate the managers and staff about the importance of communication.
Task 1 of 3 Email Newsletter
Your first task is to send a Newsletter to all staff regarding the purpose of communication and what medium to adopt depending on thesituation. Your newsletter should contain:
An article explanation of the aims of business communication, with 3 examples to illustrate different aims.
A diagram showing the communication process with a legend describing the barriers to communication, being from the sender, thereceiver or both.
An explanation of how communication barriers caused by the sender of a message in oral, written or non-verbal form can be overcome.
An explanation of how communication barriers caused by the receiver of a message can be overcome
A diagram showing two simple communication models within an organisation. Comment on how this affects the relationship between themanagers and staff communication.
Delivery and Submission
1x newsletter (either printed version or email version)
Task 2 of 3 Email Newsletter
Your 2nd issue of the newsletter should focus on the forms of communication and should include
An article evaluating the benefits and limitations of a particular communication medium in a given situation. You should provide 3 examplesof the different communication mediums for different situations within an organisation
An article on face-to-face communication, focusing on how to communicate effectively and discussing the role of both physical appearanceand body language
An article focusing on written communication, differentiating between formal (report, letters to clients, etc.) and informal (emails, newsletters,etc.) with tips to make them more effective
Delivery and Submission
1x newsletter (either printed version or email version)
Task 3 of 3 Memo
Whilst the tone of the 2 newsletters should be made light, you are also asked to create a memo with a formal policy regarding the use of IT. Thememo should contain both the policy and some tips about data security. The memo should be constructed as follow:
A short introduction
The policy itself it should contain:
An introduction discussing the components of computers and the uses of computers for communication (including emails, chat, video conference and VoIP)
The requirements regarding data protection and confidentiality
The tips to complement the policy should include possible threats (such as data theft, virus and hacking) and how to prevent them
Delivery and Submission
? 1x Memo
Summative Delivery and Submission
Evidence generated for activities 1 to 3
Indicative word count 2500