Introduction to marketing
Pathway: International Year One/ February intake (resit)
Module title: Markets and Marketing
Assessment method: (AS2) Individual Report/ Marketing plan (2,200 words)
Weighting: 70% of module content
Deadline: 16/09/2020 at 11.30 pm
This assessment will cover the followings LO’s: LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
As a new graduate who have recently joined a Private Business consultation, you have been assigned to draw a marketing plan for the Portable Blender named
“Blend -It”. Blend-It can use USB connection in the office or in the car to make a smoothie. People could just buy vegetables and fruits when they are out and about or on their way to the gym and blend it to produce smoothie they like on the go.
The marketing plan should include:
• Introduce your work by explaining the purpose of your marketing plan and how this relates to the mission statement and vision of the organisation you are investigating.
• Use economic theories such as supply and demand to analyse how this marketing plan could be effective in increasing the profitability of the company and specifically profitability of this product.
• State the future goals and objectives and explain how your marketing plan will meet these. Use SMART goal setting, state the future goals and objectives this plan aims to achieve.
• Analyse how Economical, Social and Environmental factors will have an affect on this product. Specifically, identify opportunities and threats (300 words)
• Analyse the competitive environment of the related market/industry and conclude whether the market is attractive or not for Blend-it by using Porter’s 5 forces.
• Suggest STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) approach the organisation could implement for this product. Justify your suggestions
• Discuss 2 to 3 pricing strategies that the organisation could implement and suggest the most appropriate pricing strategy the organisation could implement and justify your suggestions.
• Produce a Promotional Plan using promotional mix which could be implemented to bring this product to the market.
Further Guidelines:
• You are required to write 2,200 (+/- 10%)
• The Report must be double-spaced.
• Your font must be either Times New Roman (letter size 12) or Arial (letter size 11).
Guidance for submission of written documents to TURNITIN:
The document will be submitted online via TURNITIN. TURNITIN will be used for two purposes as follows:
• Originality/plagiarism checking: you will be allowed to upload your document as many times as you like until the submission date to perform your own plagiarism check in addition to the checking that will be performed by tutors marking your assignment.
• E-feedback which is available via TURNITIN’s Grade mark – this will include, in-text comments and summary comments.
See: for help on submitting your work and interpreting your feedback. This contains an overview of TURNITIN, a guide to using TURNITIN through blackboard and information relating to copyright and data protection which you MUST read so that you understand your rights.
When submitting your document, use the following descriptors:
Assignment Title: module code +Your Name + the name of your assessment title (e.g. MPP1JoeBlogsAssignmentTitle)
Document name: module short code+ Academic Year + Assessment Type + Your
Name (e.g. MPP12015ReportJoeBlogs)
Important notes regarding the submission:
• You will be allowed to submit your assignment after the submission deadline. Note, however, that usual penalties will apply unless you have applied for and received concessions.
How this assessment will be marked:
Please see MM Module Handbook.
Reading list:
Please see MM Module Handbook.