Leadership Competency Evaluation
After reading the week’s assigned chapters, the student will write a 4-page paper in current APA format covering topics related to his or her personal leadership skills and abilities.
· Using the assessment and SMART goals created previously in Module 1, the student will re-evaluate his or her personal growth through this course and its associated experiences.
o What growth has been achieved?
o What areas still need additional attention?
§ What alterations to your plan will you make in order to achieve success in these areas?
o What new areas have surfaced since the creation of this plan?
· Additionally, as a Nurse Leader, you are a leader to leaders. As a dean, chair, or director, you must lead an administrative team as well as a faculty group who has multiple leadership skills gathered as practicing nurses or nurse leaders. Review the following topics from Chapters 8 and 9 of the Longman text answering the question: how can I improve in at least 2 of the areas listed below?
o Understanding and valuing diverse strengths
o Benefits of rituals (include what current ritual you notice in your school/department of nursing)
o Growing Leaders on your team (includes hiring the right person for the right position at the right time)
o Mentoring potential faculty leaders
o Sustaining successful leaders
· Include an updated SMART Goals Form
o Add at least one goal in one of the above areas from this week’s readings
1.Old written SMART Goals
2. template for a new list of SMART Goals
3. Screenshots of Chapters 8 and 9 of the Longman text
The paper must be 4 pages excluding the required SMART goals form, title page, abstract, and reference page in the current APA format. The paper must include at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbooks.