Lobbying Plan Elevator Pitch Part 1
Lobbying Plan Elevator Pitch Part 1
Activity Overview and Purpose
This week, you will make an approximately 60-second video of yourself proposing your lobbying plan. This will help you to:
Practice presenting in a confident, professional manner – both verbally and nonverbally. After your instructor views the video, he or she will give you feedback on how your communication style would be perceived by a person to whom you are promoting your lobbying plan.
At some point with a lobbying plan (probably early on as you recruit supporters), you will need to have a quick, to-the-point speech of about 60 seconds to “hook” them.
There are two parts to this learning activity assignment:
Part 1. In order to complete this discussion, you may use the native video tool in your classroom. Please review the Canvas Video Submission. Instructions in order to get started. This guide will familiarize you with the tool and review how to record your video to the classroom.
As an alternative, you may use an external platform called Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. Please review the Screencast-O-Matic Quick-Start Guide Links to an external site. instructions in order to get started. This guide will familiarize you with the tool and review how to upload your video to the classroom. If you choose to use another video recording tool for your submission, please follow the guide instructions to upload an MP4 video file into your classroom using the same steps.
Important Note: All submissions require an upload of the video to the classroom. Submission of a link to a video does not fulfill the submission requirements.
Part 2. Write a Reflection: After viewing your video, reflect on your communication skills. Submit this reflection as a Word document in the assignment titled Week 3 Learning Activity Reflection.
Part 1: Create a Video
Preparing for the Video
In Weeks 1 and 2, you considered the stakeholders involved in a mental health agency and began considering a formal lobbying plan. As your plan evolves, you will need to “recruit” supporters for your lobbying efforts – you will have to sell your plan to them.
Many stakeholders do not have a large amount of time to listen to details, so your job is to get your audience’s attention (usually one or two people at a time), then let them ask you for more information. Think of it as a “commercial” for your plan. You also may have heard this referred to as an “elevator pitch.”
Write down, in outline form, your plan goals: What you want to do with your plan?
Write down your objective in talking to this person: Why do you want her/his support?
List 5 or 6 action statements about it that you can recite to a listener – quickly.
Record yourself using the native video tool in your classroom, reviewing your plan outline, stating your objective in speaking to your audience, and articulating your action statements in a conversational but professional manner.
Video of Your Communication Skills
For this activity, you will be using the native video tool in your classroom. Before you interact with the video tool, select the “Click here for instructions on how to submit your assignment” link. You can follow the steps outlined in the new window that appears.
When you are ready to make the video, scroll down and use the embedded interface below.
The technical requirements for this assignment align with those for an Ashford University student.
To fully participate in this activity you must have a computer with a microphone and webcam. We believe this activity is beneficial as a professional development practice and it will help you promote your lobbying plan.
If you are unable to complete this activity due to technical issues, contact your instructor for alternative arrangements.
You can also contact the Office of Student Access and Wellness for additional resources and support in completing this activity.
Lobbying Plan Elevator Pitch Part 2
Activity Overview and Purpose
To recruit and “hook” supporters, you will need a quick, to-the-point speech (aka an elevator pitch). This week, you will record a 60-second video of yourself proposing your lobbying plan. This will help you practice presenting in a confident, professional manner – both verbally and nonverbally. After your instructor views the video, he or she will give you feedback on how your communication style would be perceived by a person to whom you are promoting your lobbying plan.
There are two parts to this learning activity assignment:
Part 1: Create a Video
Create a video using a platform called Screencast-o-matic (Links to an external site.). You may want to watch the tutorials (Links to an external site.) before you get started. As needed, consult the Getting Started Tutorial (Links to an external site.) and Saving your Recording Tutorial (Links to an external site.). Since you will need a webcam for recording video, and you may modify how you capture your presentation by recording audio only. This modification requires prior Instructor approval. Be sure to read the rubric for grading criteria before you begin. Save the video link provided once you publish the file and put it in your Reflection paper.
It is recommended that you prepare a script and practice your pitch prior to recording for a seamless presentation.
Part 2: Write a Reflection
For this reflection, view your video and critique your communication with your stakeholders in a Word document that includes the following information and a link to your video.
Reflect upon your verbal and nonverbal communication skills:
Do you use eye contact and posture?
Is the way you speak confident and clear?
Do you use words that don’t convey meaning but just interrupt the speech, such as “um,” “ya know,” and “like?”
What, if anything, would you do differently in the video? (You will get your chance to do this in Week 5).
If you have identified any weak areas, how can you work on improving these areas?
What effect would these improvements have on the way your stakeholders perceive you and the issue you cover?
Additionally, pertaining to your lobbying plan issue, what follow-up questions or comments do you think your audience would have following your elevator pitch? How would you respond? To strengthen your responses, refer to resources and reputable online sources, when possible, that you have come across either through your weekly readings in the course or in your work on the annotated bibliography in Week 2. Cite your sources and list references in APA format.
Required References
Additional references must be from 2015-current
American Psychological Association Practice Organization. (2013). HIPAA privacy rule: A primer for psychologists. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Brown, R. L., & Smith, M. A. (2016). Population-level quality measures for behavioral screening and intervention. American Journal of Medical Quality, 31(4), 323-330.
Nguyen, D. (2010). The health care reform bill: Compliance implications for behavioral and mental health services. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 12(4), 11-14, 61.
United States Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.) HIPAA for professionals. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Recommended References
Hixson, R., & Hunt-Unruh, D. (2008). Demystifying HIPAA. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 11(3), 10-14.
Knopf, A. (2015). New models influence accreditation: Embrace changes in accreditation and find value in continuous quality improvement. Behavioral Healthcare, 35(4), 34, 36, 38.
Winer, R. A., Bennett, E., Murillo, I., Schuetz-Mueller, J., & Katz, C. L. (2015). Monitoring compliance to promote quality assurance: Development of a mental health clinical chart audit tool in Belize, 2013. Psychiatric Quarterly, 86(3), 373-379. https;//