Magazine Paper – Car and Driver Magazine
CAR AND DRIVER MAGAZINE… Give us a history of this magazine, what it is about – what is the main topic, what are the different sections it covers? Do they have a set staff of editors, writers, contributors? What are the demographics and give an example of an average reader? Who are their average readers? When did it go online and who are its competitors?
Select the online version of a magazine. Discuss the kinds of ads that appear in the paper copy and the online version. Then note the editorial content of the magazine. How similar are the ads and the editorial content? Are ads placed in proximity to editorial content on a related topic? How similar aesthetically are the ads and editorial content (e.g., the style of a magazine’s photoshoot and its fashion ads)? Are there ads that seem to be at odds with the editorial content? Do ad areas outnumber editorial areas? Do advertisements seem to influence magazine content? Can a magazine’s credibility be compromised by too much adherence to advertiser values? Explain.
What are the interactive elements found in the online magazine (quizzes, coupons, comment sections, etc) that a paper version could not provide? Think about the example of Popular Mechanics – what does your magazine site provide to the reader that makes it better than the paper version? Does advertisement tie into the interaction? Does it offer a mobile version? Does it have a social media presence? Show us at least 3 examples of this type of web-specific interaction.
(Can use more than 3 sources, if necessary.)