Management of technological disruptions in healthcare systems by artificial intelligence in UAE ( Literature Review)
I added an example to work with similar steps to facilitate writing. It is an example from the subject doctor in green
The duty will be solved in parts, and this is the first part.
To develop a good understanding of the background literature review, you will need to perform the following:
A. Choose a research topic of your interest, which will be the subject of the interview.
B. Read and summarize at least 15 academic papers on the chosen topic, properly referenced;
C. The size of the review should be 1500 words; and
D. Identify your own research hypothesis.
E. The structure of the assignment should be roughly as follows:
1. Introduction which identifies the research topic (short 100 words)
2. Literature review, which analyzes the related literature
3. Specification of the research hypotheses
4.Report should be typed in Calibri font 11, double spaced, with page numbering and including usual sections for a report (see above).
5.Assignment should not have loose sheets/parts.
Reports with no in-text citation will automatically be submitted to the OAI.
6.Write clearly, consistently and concisely.