Mechanics Design
CDR – Spring 2020
I need ( 3 )three slides for power point : select from list in bottom (assignment file in attachment ) I did some work you can add more in same file (use my papers attachments as references)
Outline slide
1- This should be the last slide to develop. Once you finish the entire presentation, it is easy to create this slide based on the topics you discuss in the presentation.
2- You should spend some time thinking about the structure of your presentation.
3- This should be big bullets – no details at this point. When you present, you may want to just refer to the topics. The purpose of this slide is to tell your audience the content of your presentation.
Presentation body structure
Suggestions for this presentation:
a. Problem definition and objectives (goals)
b. Background and methodology
c. Benefits
d. Design criteria
e. Materials selection—which material(s) will be used and why. List their relevant properties
f. Overall apparatus – one slide shows the exploded view with BOM i. Highlight the important parts of your machine.
ii. Briefly explain how your apparatus will operate – this is the chance to explain the novelty about your idea.
iii. Don’t spend time on bolts, nut, snap rings, etc., (i.e. hardware) – instead, focus on important unique components from engineering innovation point of view.
iv. Include multiple views if need be. Cross sections are a good tool.
v. Include overall envelope dimensions.
g. Part #1 (replace #1 with part name / part number) i. Mention materials
ii. Key design points – best to explain this with well-dimensioned and well-annotated detail engineering drawing
iii. Boundary conditions for your part (i.e. FBD)
iv. Failure criteria used and why
v. Results (i.e. FoS), max stress etc.
h. Repeat g for all other parts
Conclusion slide
• Be organized and ready to answer any question about your design.
• If you don not know the answer, say so and take an action item to include the answer in the final report.
• Every team member must know the design details.
• This is a critical milestone. Professionalism and engineering ethics are required. Appearance is important .