Medieval history of Europe

History 320                            Online Quiz 2                     Sept. 8, 2020

  1. How was monastic life rebuilt in England during the 10th and 11th centuries?
  2. What is meant by the “Second Viking conquest” of England?
  3. What is meant by the “Castellan devolution” of the former Carolingian Empire during the 10th& 11th centuries?
  4. What was the most long-lasting achievement of Otto I?
  5. Why is William the Conqueror sometimes called William the “lucky bastard?”
  6. How did William the Conqueror consolidate his hold on power after his conquest of England?
  7. What is the Doomsday Book?
  8. Why is Henry II considered one of England’s greatest kings?
  9. What was the investiture controversy?

10  What was the Angevin Empire?  What does its existence say about the weakness of French monarchy?

Bonus:  Why is the Magna Carta so important in English and American history?


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