Meno Reading Assignment
First Reading Response
Due before Zoom meeting 9/4 (250 words)
(1) Summarize: Break the text down into sections. Summarize each section in 2 sentences or less. You can use bullet points, if you’d like.
(2) Subject: What is the general topic of the reading? (1 sentence or less)
*Having trouble getting started? Ask yourself, “What is the main question that Socrates wants to answer?”
*Still having trouble? Ask yourself, is there a word or concept that Socrates is trying to define?”
(3) Thesis: State Socrates’s main point (1-3 sentences).
*Hard time getting started? You can think about this part of the reading reflection (RR) this way: What is it that Socrateswants Meno to understand?
*Still having a hard time getting started? Ask yourself, “If Socrates could implant just one thought, idea, or opinion in Meno’s head, what would it be?”
(4) Argument: What tools does Socrates use main point? Again, you can use bullet points if you like.
(5) Objection: Make an objection to Socrates’s main point OR summarize an objection that reading discussed.
*Hard time getting started? Ask yourself, “Does the evidence back up Socrates’s main point?
a. If you answered yes, tell me why someone else might feel like the evidence does not back up Socrates’s main point.
b. If answered no, explain why you disagree.
(6) Response: What do you think Socrates would say in response to the objection (in 4.)?