Module 4: Identifying Your Sampling Design (graded)
For this assignment you will describe your plan for identifying and recruiting the sample for your research design. This assignment has three sections- defining the population; defining the sampling design; and based upon this design, a discussion of any ethical concerns that may be relevant due to sampling and recruitment. Use the following outline as guide for the paper’s structure and content.
Course Objectives
CO 1: Demonstrate proficiency in the use of selected research methods and tools.
CO 6: Anticipate ethical issues related to research.
Total Points: 100
Due Date
Please see the due dates below. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Requirements and Guidelines
Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.
The assignment should follow this outline:
In two or three sentences define the population from which the sample will be drawn. The definition of the population consists of the following criteria:
Characteristics to be possessed by the target population for the study.
The extent, or geographic parameter for the population.
The time frame to be included in the sample from the population.
The unit of analysis for the sample.
Sampling Design
In one or two sentences, specifically identify the sampling design used to obtain the sample from the population.
List (with description) any necessary inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Ethical Considerations
In a paragraph or two, respond to the following questions as necessary given your population and design. Are there specific considerations given the population that you have selected in terms of vulnerability? If so, how would ensure adequate protections to instill confidence in an IRB committee that the study will minimize any potential harm? Does the inclusion and exclusion critieria present any ethical considerations? If so, how?
Grading Criteria
Your paper will be graded based on following criteria:
Organization and Coherence of Ideas
Style and Mechanics
Page Length Requirements
Detailed grading rubric can be found below.
**Academic Integrity Reminder**
All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.
By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.
Assignment Rubric
Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
25.0 pts
Highest Level of performance
Excellent response to assignment; response is well developed and communicated; presents information that is factually correct, reflective, and substantive; demonstrates sophistication of thought behind central idea; shows evidence of having read, reflected on, and applied course readings and materials; incorporates content from text and class discussions.
23.0 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Well rounded response appropriate to assignment, but may have minor lapses in development; clearly states response and begins to acknowledge the central idea and main details; presents information that is factually correct; shows evidence of having read and reflected on course readings and materials; shows willingness to incorporate content discussed in text and class discussions.
19.0 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Does not appropriately respond to assignment prompt; may provide only a basic summary of one or more concepts; does not include a clear central idea; thesis may be too vague to be developed effectively; shows little evidence of understanding course materials; shows no or only slight willingness to incorporate content discussed in text and or class discussions.
18.0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
18-0 Points: Does not properly respond to assignment prompt; presents information that is off-topic, factually incorrect, or irrelevant; lacks a thesis or central idea; shows no evidence of having read or interacted with course materials; shows no willingness to incorporate content discussed in text and or class discussions.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Organization & Coherence of Ideas
25.0 pts
Highest Level of performance
Logical structure appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, and audience; substantive introduction including clear thesis statement; paper is structured so that ideas logically flow and build throughout; fully developed paragraphs; effective transitions between paragraphs; logical conclusion that clearly summarizes ideas and adds final thoughts and/or reflections.
23.0 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Shows logical progression of ideas; includes introduction and thesis statement, but they may be unclear or not fully developed; paragraphs are complete thoughts; some transitions between paragraphs; conclusion is present but may not provide a comprehensive summary of ideas.
19.0 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Lacking internal paragraph coherence; underdeveloped introduction and thesis statement; organization of ideas is difficult to understand; paragraphs need further development; few transitions between paragraphs; conclusion is too brief and/or underdeveloped.
18.0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
18-0 Points: Lacks coherence; no clear introduction or thesis statement; unclear organization throughout; paragraphs are disjointed; no transitions between paragraphs; conclusion is weak or missing.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
17.0 pts
Highest Level of performance
Uses evidence appropriately and effectively; makes several references to course material (e.g., readings, lecture, videos, audio clips, scripture, etc.); provides sufficient evidence and explanation to support main ideas; documents sources appropriately.
15.0 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Offers relevant reasons and evidence to support ideas; makes adequate references to course material; begins to explain connections between evidence and main points; documents most sources appropriately.
13.0 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Uses generalizations to support ideas; makes few or inadequate references to course material; may use examples, but they are obvious or irrelevant; often depends on unsupported opinion or personal experience; documents few or no sources appropriately.
11.0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Uses irrelevant details or lacks supporting evidence entirely; makes little or no reference to course material.
17.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Style & Mechanics
23.0 pts
Highest Level of performance
Style & Mechanics 23 Points Well organized; may contain fewer than three errors; errors do not impede meaning; uses professional and scholarly language throughout; exemplifies collegiate level writing; adheres to proper APA style requirements.
19.0 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Fairly well organized; contains fewer than five errors; errors do not impede meaning; uses professional and scholarly language throughout; meets most APA style requirements.
18.0 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Somewhat disorganized; contains more than five errors; errors may confound meaning; lacks professional or scholarly language; may meet some APA style requirements.
15.0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Disorganized; contains many errors that confound meaning; language is not at a collegiate level; does not adhere to APA style requirements.
23.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Page Length Requirements
10.0 pts
Highest Level of performance
Adheres to all word count or page length requirements.
8.0 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Exceeds half and almost meets minimum word count or page length requirement.
7.0 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Completes approximately half of required word count or page length for assignment.
5.0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Completes less than half of required word count or page length for assignment.
10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0