

Read the Task1-4 carefully then answer according to given question .
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Task 1 Read the following passage. For each underlined word, answer questions A-E. The answers for the word meaning are given as an example…. almost self-evidently, a style is specific: its meaning is part and parcel of its period, and cannot be transposed innocently. To see other periods as mirrors of our own is to turn history into narcissism; to see other styles as open to our own style is to turn history into a dream. Butsuch, really, is the dream of the pluralist: he seems to sleepwalk in the museum. (Foster 1982)

Questions (A.)Is the word an open class or closed class word?
(B.)Is the word simple or complex? (C).For each complex word, identify its morphemes. Does it have a prefix and/or a suffix? If it has a suffix, is it inflectional or derivational?
(D.)What category part of speech does the word belong to?
(E).What morphological evidence can you provide to support your answer to question D?
Meaning. (A) open class word; (B) complex; (C) mean + ing (stem + suffix), -ing is derivational;(D) meaning is a noun; (E) -ing attaches to verbs to create nouns. *Note that an -ing morphemedoes attach to verbs to create verbs (for example, walk+ing as in John was walking with hisfriend). We know, however, that the -ing in meaning is a noun-forming suffix rather than a verbforming suffix because the plural morpheme -s can be attached to it: its meanings are part andparcel of its period. The plural morpheme cannot be attached to walking: *John was walkings with his friend.

Task 2 (8 points)Examine the following Spanish data. Then identify all the morphemes, and state the meaning or function of each. (In these examples, the symbol č represents a sound similar to the ch inchance)
1.amigo ‘male friend’.
2.amiga ‘female friend’
3.mučačo ‘boy’
4.mučača ‘girl’
5.amigos ‘male friends’
6.amigas ‘female friends’
7.mučačos ‘boys’
8.mučačas ‘girls.
’Do the same for the following Modern Hebrew data. (In these examples, the x does not representa ks sound as it does in English but rather a sound similar to the ch in the German pronunciationof the name Bach. The symbol ͻ represents a sound similar to the o in or).
1.xavεr ‘male friend’r ‘male friend’ 2.xavεr ‘male friend’ra ‘female friend’ 3.talmid ‘male student’ 4.talmida ‘female student’ 5.xavεr ‘male friend’rim ‘male friends’ 6. xavεr ‘male friend’r t ‘female friends’ͻt ‘female friends’ 7.talmidim ‘male students’ 8.talmid t ‘female students’ͻt ‘female friends’Based on what you have discovered, explain how Spanish and Hebrew differ in the way they mark gender and number.

Task 3 (6 points)Are the following sets of boldfaced words forms of a single lexeme, or examples of different lexemes?
a.Roast (verb), roast (noun)
b.Roaster ‘piece of equipment used for roasting’, roaster ‘chicken packaged and purchased for roasting
’c.Roast (verb), roasting (participle of verb with the same meaning: We were roasting chicken halves for the fire station fundraiser), roasting (adverb used to modify ‘hot’: roasting hot)
d.Roast, roasts, roasted (all verbs with the same meaning
e.Book, books (both nouns with the same meaning)
f.Book, bookie, booklet (all nouns)

Task 4 (3 points)Should -ful be analyzed as one morpheme or two different morphemes (ful1 and ful2) in thefollowing examples? Explain your answer and bring in further examples if necessary. a.wrathful

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