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Personal statement Benoni w. Wilson

My interest in pursuing a master’s degree in business administration at Carlson executive [MBA] program at the university of Minnesota is because my goal is to further my education. By obtaining my MBA will allow me to secure a job, immaculate and have great future; thus leading to my pursuit of an undegraded education in business administration in management but little did i imagine that there would be a paradigm shift of perspective to how my career could have an impact on the citizen of a country . Now I am applying for placement in one of America prestigious universities. [university of Minnesota] and with an opportunity to obtain a degree that would enable me to contribute to society and it even changing demand for skills professionals. My curiosity developed over the year a I saw my beloved country wallop down the drained with broken down institution such as the economic , educational , political and social sectors .Liberia currently suffers huge unemployment crisis as a result of massive capacity gap and the lack of efficient and effective functional policies to saliently driven national development agenda in order to derive tangible national solution intended to lift the majority of citizen from poverty , poor infrastructure amongst others such policy formulation deficiencies continues to push the country into a direction that poses potential threats to national growth for the younger generation interestingly Liberian estimated 4million pull population is incontestably dominated by youthful population with over 65% accounting for its total population index .inforlunately,83%of the country youthful population is engulfed with societal deficiencies ranging from capacity gap, unemployment ,poverty ,lack of employable skills illiteracy ,among others these societal vices can be attributed to the lack of trained qualified and interannually processed technicians and professional specialist and experts that provide solid and reliable economic and business remedies to smoothly drive such a nation out of poverty, amidst global strive for the attainment of the sustainable development goas[S.D.G].liberia problems is a fundamentally underpinned by the fouteer years civil unrest, which is not one that can provoke automatic solution it is a menace that can only be mitigated through the exploration of roaming opportunities including scholarship for the country deserved youthful population ‘programs. Earning an [EMBA] from the university of Minnesota with shift my carea.i have experienced at first hand to trigger down effects government performance in term of goods ,work or service deliveries can have citizen lives. Be it through an un enforceable defects liability period by the employers consultant or inadvertent contractual terms that do not factor remedies for environmental degradation . hence, my focus has been to play a role in government that could deliver value for money project,while gathering the requisite education and experience to have a strategic policy formulation roles at the world banks group in future in a would bank report published 2011 by vivien foster and Nataliya pushak , it was mentioned that liberia suffers huger funding gap each fical year requiring a high level of efficiency and cost educational innovation to meet it infrastructure need,without these the report pointed out . liberian will have to wait for 40 years to pridge its infrastructure gaps. Visavis achieved proverty reduction. Six years since the report was published , liberia still forced these challenges [IMF report no 16/352] with most of them originating from repetition of mistakes during contract formulation to implementation. Therefore its boost my confidence to conduct further research into how these challenges experienced by struggling economies could be mitigated. To conclude, owing to my experience of having worked and being from an under development country a unique perspective of class discussion could be missed if I am not given the opportunity. in addition couple with my undergraduate grade average points.

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