Networking Project

Phase 1

Your first task/assignment is to select a project topic that suits your degree. Try to select a project that will represent all the skills you’ve learned in your program. You’ll want to combine everything learned in your courses to come up with a project that will demonstrate your mastery of the program. You have several options you can pursue. However, your topic should be related to the industry you are getting your degree in. There are several brainstorming techniques in the presentation and recorded session to help you chose and narrow a topic. Below are some general ideas and areas to help with your topic selection. This is, by no means, an exclusive or extensive list. There aren’t really any limits on your topic as long it is Information Technology based and has some relationship to your program and the industry.

Network project if you’re in Networking
Systems Security project if you are in ISS
Programming project if you are in a Programming emphasis (mobile or your preferred language)
Once you have selected your topic, you will write phase 1 of your project using the template provided in the course. This phase will provide an introduction and background to the project and what you intend to do. You will also write phase 2 of your project, researching the tools available and needed to complete your work, as well as best practices and comparable projects. The information you write in phases 1 and 2 will feed you actual project design and the details you will provide in phase 3.

Phase 2

Part 2 – Phase 3 Design

Phase 3 involves Designing the Solution. This phase is where the actual build and design takes place. Deliverables during this phase can include any coded executables, website/page design sheets, etc. If you are designing a security or network solution, you will provide both the written description detailing the security solution, as well as include any necessary schematics, diagrams, floor plans, etc., applicable to your project. If you are writing a program, phase 3 will include the written description outlining your code design, interface design, and any applicable details for your reader to understand how your program will function. You will also submit the initial shell of your program code and any applicable screen shots of the basic functionality.

Your written work will build on what was submitted for week 1, using the course APA template provided add Phase 3 in it’s appropriate location. Your code can be submitted as a separate .zip file.

Part 3 of the project contains Phases 4 & 5 of the SDLC process

· Phase 4 involves Implementing the Solution. This phase is where the project is released and implemented, users are trained and testing of the solution takes place. Deliverables during this phase include any plans and documents on how implementation will be handled–in other words, how will your designed plan be put in to action and made live. This also includes any code or scripting necessary for the basic implementation.

· Phase 5 involves Operational and Maintenance Support of the Solution. This phase is where a plan is created to address how the system/solution will be supported and maintained over the life of the project. Deliverables during this phase include any plans and documents on how operations & maintenance will be handled.

Continue adding your written work to the template provided in the course, maintaining the overall formatting. Be sure to add Phases 4 and 5 to your template. Submit your written work and the current version of your programming code and screen shots, if you are working on a program. If you are working on a security or network plan, your written work should include the timeline and implementation plans.

Final Phase

For the Final Submission, students will be combining all parts (papers) previously submitted into one final submitted Capstone project paper. Students are requested to apply all feedback given during the first weeks of the course to adjust their final submissions to be as complete, professional, and functional as possible.

This document will be in full APA format with Abstract, Table of Contents (with Page numbers), and final References. Each previously submitted paper will represent a separate “chapter/section” of the final paper.

A template is provided by downloading this link – CAP499_Final Capstone_Template.docx. Preview the documentStudents will also include any additional supporting material such as Graphs, Charts, Storyboards, Code, and anything else created in completion of the Capstone program to include scripts and code. Students can submit additional files in a “zip” file.

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