Using I-SBAR-R to improve CommunicationQuality & Safety in Patient Care.
This activity is designed to help you recognize the importance of receiving and providing a shift report designed to promote quality, safety, teamwork, and collaboration. For this discussion, we will review the aspects involved in delivering an I-SBAR-R report to promote effective communication. For our discussion please read the following patient scenario and answer the questions below.
SETTING: This is a verbal report from the 11P-7A nurse about your patient for the day.
Hilary Jones is a 70-year-old obese white female who was admitted three days ago with a chief complaint of hip pain after falling at home. An ORIF was performed on admission. Mrs.Jones developed PE on post-op day 2.
PMHx: HTN, DM, GERD, and anemia.
PSH: Cholecystectomy.
Current Medications: Metropolol, Glucophage, Prevacid, and Dilaudid, PRN
Allergies: NKDA.
I forgot to mention, her husband keeps getting in the way, and she is constantly on the call light. WhenI assessed her: she is alert and oriented x3 in no apparent distress. Vitals are stable: T 99, P 80, R 20, BP 150/90, and Oxygen @ 4 L via NC. Heparin is infusing at 8 mL/hr. Foley is patent and draining clear yellow urine. C/O pain @ 4 am, rated pain a 10 on a scale of 0-10, medicated X1 with Dilaudid. She can receive 2mg IVP Q6 PRN. Mrs. Joneskeeps complaining of pain. Monitor showed normal sinus rhythm, abdomen soft, non-tender with BS present in all quads. Her abductor pillow has been in place throughout the night.
Answer the following:
1. What important data was omitted from the night shift nurse in the report? What other information should have been provided by the night nurse to give quality and safe patient care?
2. What was inappropriate about the night’s report?
3. What can you do to change behaviors like this on your nursing units?