Nursing Leadership and management
Listen to these two SHORT podcasts:
Utilizing the content from class 8 discuss the following:
You have a four-patient assignment. It is 0900, and you have completed your initial assessments. You are working with a nursing assistant. The nursing assistant has 10 patients and is working with three nurses. You want to delegate some tasks to the nursing assistant. Which patient(s) and aspects of patient care will you delegate to this nursing assistant?
Your patients
Mr. Black (70-year-old male, diagnosis: urinary tract infection). Mr. Black is alert but is experiencing some confusion. Vital signs are ordered every four hours. He is experiencing urinary frequency. He needs to be reminded to use the urinal rather than getting out of bed on his own to use the bathroom.
Ms. Swanson (58-year-old female, diagnosis: post-surgical hysterectomy). Ms. Swanson had a hysterectomy two days ago. Her postoperative course has been uncomplicated. The surgeon wants Ms. Swanson to ambulate three times per day. Her vital signs are stable. She is alert, oriented, and cooperative.
Mr. Johnson (25-year-old male, newly admitted, diagnosis: suspected Crohn’s disease).Mr. Johnson has been having abdominal pain and severe bouts of diarrhea for the past several months. He was admitted this morning. He is NPO to rest his bowels and to prepare for an upper gastrointestinal series. He has IV fluids running and prn pain medications.
Mrs. Tolento (66-year-old female, diagnosis: congestive heart failure). Mrs. Tolento newly transferred to your unit from ICU. She was admitted four days ago with fluid overload. She has history of CHF and takes diuretics, digoxin, and an ACE inhibitor at home. She is alert and oriented. She is on 2L of O2 with oxygen saturation at 93%. Vital signs are ordered every four hours. She is on strict I&O. She has a Foley catheter.
Consider the following:
Why is it so hard to delegate?
How will I know what and to whom to delegate?
What blocks me from delegating?
What are two ways to assess outcomes of what I have delegated?
How will I handle a refusal of the delegation?
Discussion Forum Questions:
1. Which patient(s) will you delegate?2. Select tasks that you would consider delegating.3. Explain, using evidence, your rationale. 4. Write a script of what you will say to the nursing assistant.