Nursing PowerPoint
Clinical Assignment Week 4
Global Health
Clinical Guideline
Content and Setting
1. ACHNE Public Health Nursing Core Knowledge
2. ACHNE Public Health Basic Competencies
3. Learner Level: BSN Undergraduate
4. Learner Setting(s): Online, Clinical
5. Strategy Type: Reflective activity, Online group project presentation
6. Learning Goals/Objectives: At the completion of this assignment, students will be able to:
a. Examine political, social, and economical aspects that impede the health of communities and populations at the local, national, and global level.
b. Apply knowledge of environmental health, global health, and human diversity issues in assessing and
evaluating the population health of a community.
c. Evaluate the impact of public policy and budget considerations in the planning and development of health promotions and disease prevention interventions.
7. Estimated time for the activity: 8.5 hours. (6.5 hours of research and preparation- 2 hours conference pre and post)
8. Strategy Overview: Students utilize websites to gather data and current information on the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will work in assigned groups to develop a teaching/learning presentation geared to educating the public on COVID-19. The PowerPoint presentation will include the required content. Each student will also submit an individual reflective statement on this experience.
9. Detailed Strategy Directions:
COVID-19 Teaching Presentation
The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the current COVID-19 pandemic by exploring current evidence and data. Students will discuss the effect of a pandemic on the general population and on identified vulnerable populations. Concepts of communicable diseases of isolation, quarantine, and pandemic will be incorporated in the presentation. Ethical implications presented by the pandemic will be discussed in clinical groups conferences.
Detailed instructions:
Visit following websites:
After reviewing the above websites, as a team prepare a health education program:
1. Prepare a health education teaching plan including objectives
2. Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation which will be shared at the conclusion of this activity. The focus is on educating the general public about the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Present your health education program to your class & Instructor
The teaching plan (presented as a PowerPoint) should include the following:
Epidemiology of Corona Pandemic
1. Introduction
2. Global pandemic (provide statistics)
3. National statistics (provide U.S. statistics)
4. Virology of Corona virus (characteristics; disease producing properties)
5. Pathophysiology of Corona virus infection
6. Clinical manifestations and complications
7. Morbidity/mortality rates
8. Vaccine research
9. Treatment options
10. Prevention
25-21 points Good
20-16 points Fair
15-11 points Adequate
10- 5 points
Organization Visually appealing and enhances readability; organization of the research is clearly understood.
Visually appealing and supports readability; organization of the research is enhanced.
Visual appeal is adequate but detracts from readability; organization of the research is somewhat inconsistent/distracting.
Not very visually appealing; cluttered and hinders readability; organization of the research is inconsistent/
distracting; no sequence of information.
Construct – Knowledge and Content Content is clearly arranged so that the viewer can understand order without narration.
Content was thoroughly analyzed and synthesized. Content is arranged so that the viewer can understand order without narration.
Content was adequately analyzed and synthesized
Content arrangement is somewhat confusing and does not adequately assist the viewer in understanding order without narration.
Content was inconsistently analyzed and synthesized.
Content arrangement is confusing and does not assist the viewer in understanding order without narration. Content was not analyzed or synthesized
Visual Presentation Graphics (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) are engaging and enhance the text; Uses font sizes/variations which facilitate the presentation of the research.
Graphics (e.g. tables, figures, etc.) enhance the text; Adequate use of font sizes/variations to facilitate the presentation of the research. Graphics (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) do not adequately enhance the text; Use of font sizes/variations to facilitate the presentation of the research is
somewhat inconsistent/distracting
Graphics (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) do not enhance the text; Use of font sizes/variations to facilitate presentation of the research is
Quality Resources Cites all data obtained from research and journal articles and other resources such as government, education, or other professional organizations. Within the last 5 years.
Within the last 5 years.
Cites most data obtained from research and journal articles and other resources such as government, education, or other professional organizations.
Within the last 5 years.
Cites some data obtained from research and journal articles and other resources such as government, education, or other professional organizations.
Within the last 5 years.
Does not use or cite any research and journal articles and other resources such as government, education, or other professional organizations. Within the last 5 years.