Operation Management 3 | BAD

Operations Management MGT 320 – Summer-2 2020
Assessment-3(15%) – Chapters4&5
Start Date: 8 Sept 2020- 8:00 pm
Due Date: 13 Sept2020- 11:59 pm
(Note: please upload your answer on Moodle using Assessment-3 Submission Link)

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1. Answer all questions clearly.
2. You may use extra space to write your answers as appropriate needed.
3. Show the final answer in the space provided for it where applicable.
4. There are four questions in this assessment.

1. List and briefly explain the various phases in service design process. (10 Points)

2. Discuss any threesustainability related considerations in designing new products and services. (25 Points)

3. A manufacturing facility was designed for production of 1000 units per day. Since then there has been some changes to the product design due to which the facility can produce only 800 units per day. However, looking at the data for the past one month the manger notes that the average actual output is only 750 units per day.
a. Calculate the efficiency and utilization of this facility. (20 Points)
b. What does this facility have to do to operate at 80% efficiency? (10 Points)
c. What do you think might be some factors that are contributing to a lower effective capacity other than the change in product design? (10 Points)

4. List and explain in detail with examples at least five factors that impact effective capacity of an organization. (25 Points)

The End

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