opinion and observations

ART 110.01
Art & Artists
Fall 2020
Kurt Treeby, Instructor

Written Assignment 1
In class we looked at the connection between form and content in art. Form consists of what the work is made out of (materials or medium) and can also refer to how the work was made or the processes involved. Content refers to subject matter (what the work is about). Increasingly in the art world, the form and content are intertwined. The artist works in a specific way and uses specific materials in order to get their ideas across.
For the first part of this assignment, view the two videos I have chosen (the links can be found on Blackboard in the writing assignments folder. If you can’t get the videos to work let me know ASAP). Both videos are taken from the PBS series Art 21: Art in the Twenty-First Century. They are short segments (about 15 minutes each) on artists Kara Walker and Kerry James Marshall.
Notes on the video clips:
Do not wait until the last minute to watch the videos. Since the videos have been posted to the Art 21 website by PBS, I do not have control over them. If the video will not play, try playing it on a different computer. If the videos have been taken down, let me know immediately. Both videos should cue up and play the correct segment automatically. Make sure you are watching the correct videos. Use my links on Blackboard to access the videos.
For the assignment, I would like you to compare and contrast the work of these two artists. Specifically, what similarities or differences can be found between the way the artists deal with the connections between form and content? What goals are they trying to achieve in their work and what materials or processes do they use to help them achieve it? Do they use these materials or present their art in similar ways? Be sure to use specific examples from the videos. Feel free to research the artists work on-line as well. You don’t have to do additional research to complete the paper, but it will help to offer insight into the artist’s respective work. If you do reference other material in your paper, cite your references.
• For the first introductory paragraph, introduce the work of the artists. What ideas do they deal with in their work? What materials or processes do they use in their work?
• Spend a paragraph detailing the similarities between their art. Specifically, what similarities can be found in their respective uses of form (presentation and materials) and content (ideas). Thinking of how the artists deal with cultural issues might be a good starting point. How do they use similar materials to express similar ideas? Use specific examples from the video.
• Spend a paragraph detailing the differences between their art and their uses of form and content. Again, use specific examples.
• Close with a short paragraph summarizing your ideas.
Overall, the paper will be double spaced and should be about 2 pages. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Font size should be 10 or 11.
This paper is asking for your opinion and observations, so make sure your ideas are stated clearly and backed up by what you see in the videos.
This assignment is due by 5pm on Thursday, October 8. You can upload your paper to the assignment collection folder posted to Blackboard. It will be worth 10 points

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