Original Work With Credited Sources -APA FORMAT

Select an issue/event to analyze through the four general education lenses.You must address the critical elements listed below.

I. Introduction: You will compile a series of critical analyses of a single issue/event in wellness through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences.
A. Topic: Using the four lenses, explain how an issue/event within wellness has or has not influenced modern society.
II. Lens Connections: In this section of your assignment, you will describe the connections between your issue/event and each of the four general education lenses.
A. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of history for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
B. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the humanities for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
C. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
D. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis. Be sure to use evidence from research to support your responses.

Refer to pertinent resources to support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be used with instructor approval. I

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