Part I – Written Report: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 7 • Part II – Presentation: 11:59 p.m. EST, Wednesday of Unit 8, with one response due by Friday

of Unit 8. Total Points: 200 Scenario Overview: Congratulations! Your expertise in comparative criminal justice has gotten you promoted to the Head of Public Relations for the Police Department! This is an exciting time for you to put your knowledge to work and hit the ground running. You have just received an email from your boss with the details of your first project:

Good morning! We are thrilled to have you take the lead as Head of Public Relations. The first project we have for you has two parts: The first part is to complete a written report that provides a standardized comparison of the United States against three other countries in policing. The second part is to create a summed-up presentation of the information in your report for your new staff and colleagues. There is more information about what is required below. Your written report will be due at the end of Unit 7, and your presentation will be due by Wednesday of Unit 8. Thank you, and keep up the excellent work!

PART I: The Written Report Instructions: For your written report, include the following elements:

An introduction expressing the value in understanding international justice systems.

Choose three (3) countries covered in this course and complete a fundamental analysis and comparison of their criminal justice systems.

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Briefly discuss the history of each country and how it has influenced its criminal justice system.

Compare the roles of police officers in these countries.

Discuss critical issues that these countries are confronting.

Share your thoughts on how the systems of these countries compare to the criminal justice systems of the United States.

A conclusion that expresses your final thoughts on what you have discussed.


Your paper should be at least five (5) pages in length using APA style formatting, with additional title and reference pages.

Use at least three (3) scholarly resources and include reference citations in correct APA formatting.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

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Evaluation Rubric for PART I: The Written Report

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary

(0-8 Points) (9-11 Points) (12-13 Points) (14-15 Points) Fundamental Analysis and Comparison of 3 Criminal Justice Systems

Component is minimally or not addressed.

Component is somewhat addressed.

Component is fairly well addressed.

Component is thoroughly addressed.

Roles of Police Officers Component is minimally or not addressed.

Component is somewhat addressed.

Component is fairly well addressed.

Component is thoroughly addressed.

Critical Issues Component is minimally or not addressed.

Component is somewhat addressed.

Component is fairly well addressed.

Component is thoroughly addressed.

Comparison to the Criminal Justice Systems of the United States

Component is minimally or not addressed.

Component is somewhat addressed.

Component is fairly well addressed.

Component is thoroughly addressed.

(0-5 points) (6-7 points) (8 points) (9-10 points) Brief History of Each Country and its Influence

Component is minimally or not addressed.

Component is somewhat addressed.

Component is fairly well addressed.

Component is thoroughly addressed.

Introduction and Conclusion

Components are minimally or not addressed.

Components are somewhat addressed.

Components are fairly well addressed.

Components are thoroughly addressed.

Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Significant errors impede professional presentation; APA guidelines are not followed.

Some errors in writing and/or APA formatting are beginning to impede professional presentation.

Few errors in writing and/or APA formatting that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error-free.

(0 points) (5 points) Report Length Requirement not

met. n/a n/a Requirement


Resources Requirement not met.

n/a n/a Requirement met.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

PART II: The Presentation Overview: In this assignment forum, you will share a presentation that exhibits the information you have provided in your written report and share it with the class. Instructions: Using whatever tool you’d like (PowerPoint, Word, Prezi, video, etc.), design a presentation covering your written report’s main points and comparisons. Feel free to include images and be creative! Include the following elements:

The value in understanding international justice systems.

Comparison of three (3) countries’ criminal justice systems.

A brief history of each country and its influence on its criminal justice system.

The roles of police officers in these countries.

Critical issues that these countries are confronting.

Comparison of these criminal justice systems to systems of the United States.

Your final thoughts on what you shared in your presentation.


Use a minimum of three (3) references formatted in APA – these can come from course resources.

Be sure to use course concepts in your work and organize your information in a clear and structured way.

Post the assignment and your response to the Shared Assignment Forum by the due dates listed above.

Respond to at least one (1) classmate’s assignment with the following:

Discuss something new you have learned from their presentation.

Be sure to elaborate on your classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation, present a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration, and raise a question or politely offer an alternative perspective.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Evaluation Rubric for PART II: The Presentation

CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Satisfactory Proficient

(0-23 Points) (24-31 Points) (32-35 Points) (36-40 Points)

Required Elements

Several major elements are missing or are difficult to evaluate.

Some of the required elements are included; instructions are not completely followed.

Most of the required elements and instructions are included and complete.

All required elements are included and fully complete, and all instructions followed.

(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-17 Points) (18-20 Points)

Course Concepts

Work does not reflect the content of the course.

Course concepts are somewhat evident.

Course concepts are generally apparent but may show inconsistencies or minor gaps in understanding.

Course concepts are thoroughly reflected in work.

(0-8 Points) (9-11 Points) (12-13 Points) (14-15 Points)

Organization Work is disorganized or unclear.

Work shows some attempts at organization.

Work is organized to support understanding.

Work is clearly structured, reflects planning, and ordered thought.

(0-2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points)

References and APA Formatting

Reference citations are not present, or APA style formatting has significant errors.

Some citations are missing, and/or citations have some issues with APA style formatting.

All references are cited, but citations have minor errors in APA style formatting.

Reference citations are included and correctly formatted in APA style.

(0 Points) (5 Points) (8 Points) (10 Points)

Peer Response

No response post made to a classmate’s presentation.

Peer response provided though minimal and lacking depth by restating or summarizing what was already expressed; details and new ideas missing or lacking.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment, including discussion of the topics but does not raise a question or offer an alternative perspective.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment including discussion of the topics; presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration; raises a question or politely offers an alternative perspective.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Satisfactory Proficient

(0 Points) (5 Points) (10 Points)

Posting Due Dates

The assignment and response were not posted by the due dates of the unit.

Either the assignment or the response was not posted by the due date of the unit.

Both the assignment and response were posted by the due dates of the unit.

Scenario Overview:

PART I: The Written Report



Evaluation Rubric for PART I: The Written Report

PART II: The Presentation




Analyze in 350 to 525 words the:

Purpose of the strategic plan

Key objectives:

Market development and how your ideas fit

Process improvement

Development of people

Product/service – How do you deliver? Is there a way to improve quality over time to differentiate?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance over time

Recommend initiatives to support your objectives to improve the strategic plan for a specific company strategic plan

Identify ways to adapt to the changing business environment.

Note: Choose any company for this assignment

Read “Case 2: Airbnb in 2018” in your Connect textbook.

In the accommodations market, Airbnb appears to have a significant advantage over its competitors as it relates to regulations affecting the operations of its business.

Develop a business strategy that will allow Airbnb to meet local, state, and international regulatory requirements and motivate individuals to benefit from participating in this space of the accommodations market.

Identify in 350 to 525 words and address the following questions:

How can Airbnb ensure the ethical treatment of consumers?

Should there be a separate strategy for the international component of their business model?

Submit your assignment.

Choose and analyze a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics processes like age, ethnicity, possible pathophysiological changes due to disease, genetics, behavior and gender may alter his response to a drug given.

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