philosophy in action


You may continue on a philosophical practice throughout the semester OR you may change every week, or keep one for a month and then switch it up, or zigzag, it is up to you.

Ultimately, my goal is that you are engaging in philosophy in real life.

A reminder on how to do the assignment:

You pick a topic,

Research it a little bit

Engage in it somehow

Get proof such as a screenshot or picture.

Then make a mini presentation providing information about the topic and how you engaged with it, adding your proof.

Also submit an updated check-in sheet where you track this assignment for the semester. The grade is self-reflective; it won’t be what you ACTUALLY get for the assignment; that will be based on what you turn in to me. You are welcome to insert the running check-in sheet into your presentation.

The philosophical practices you are welcome to explore and engage with are:

Pragmatism-be practical! (make a budget, make a meal plan…. enroll for next semester, get academic counseling… the list is endless)

Virtue Based Ethics- cultivate a virtue (middle way between two extremes; courage, temperance, generosity, truthful, witty, friendly, spirited, benevolent, industrious…. and so on) Strive to be a better person, choose courage were you normally wouldn’t. Walk the middle way when it comes to diet, exercise, generosity…. again endless possibilities

Ethics of Care- help someone, check in on a friend, be extra patient with your grandma on the phone, if you can safely take some groceries or supplies to someone.

Ethical Egoism- take care of yourself! (i.e. work out, use your phone less, work on your sleep hygiene) there are so many trackers, try reducing your phone screen time, take screenshots of your reduced usage, take screenshots of meeting your fitness goals … so on …

Deontology (duty based ethics)- do your duty independently of your own wants (i.e. parental duties, student duties, work duties…) don’t feel like doing your school work?! Do your duty! do you really have to wash the dishes again…. do your duty!

Existentialism- take responsibility for your actions, exercise your complete radical freedom (take ownership of who you are indecently of whatever cards you are handed, focus on what CAN you control, who do you want to be?) There are many things out of our hands but there are many things we can control and that is our thoughts and attitudes… how will you own your own life

Learn about and/or practice an Eastern Philosophy, (i.e. study the 8 fold path in Buddhism, such as meditating, cultivating healthy thoughts… learn about Daoism.. Hinduism, reflect on Buddhism’s 4 Noble Truths)

Stoicism: The development of self control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. (this is chapter 7 in the textbook,we are not going over if but you are welcome to research this on your own if you like)

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