Please I Need This Tomorrow…..

Please read the instructions carefully….. Please I need an “A” on this

The company name I have chosen for this is “Taste of Home Cooking” which is a cooking app. Note: This app is not real

similar apps that you can look at on the web is: Goldbelly, BistroMD, Greenchef

“Please make this paper in Third Person writing ”


In the entertainment industry, a number of factors discern your ability to be a successful working producer. Your network, your experience and your reputation are three factors that hold great influence initially within the industry. But after the initial meeting, what sets those who succeed apart from those who “get the pass” is a strong product combined with your ability to exhibit being the right company to foster such a product. Exhibiting this can be done through a great business plan.

Sometimes the business plan may only entail the production. Other times it covers the gamut from pre-production all the way through the distribution cycles. For our class, we will focus on the distribution and marketing plan.

These plans start when the project is ready to showcase but lacks the backing of a major distributor, such as Warner Brothers, which could cover Film, TV, Music or Video Games.

Whether you want to get the attention of a big player, such as Warner Brothers, or to go it on your own, funds will be needed to raise awareness and get your product seen and heard.

For this project, the entirety of the $1500 maximum budget will be directed towards distributing and marketing it independently on your own.

As these plans can be fairly complex, each week we will be covering different sections. By the end of the class, all these pieces will be connected to form your distribution and marketing plan.

When completed, your Distribution and Marketing Plan will be ready for presentation to your potential client. That client will be the creator of the media project that you will build this plan around. The intention is that this one-year plan with a budget of no more than $1500 will reap a healthy ROI at years’ end.


For Part 1 of the Course Project, you will research and complete the component(s) accepted within your Company Charter from the Week 1 discussion for part 1 of your team’s distribution plan which are one or more of the following: Your Company Information, your potential client’s Project Information, your Distribution & Marketing Goals, and who the Target Market is.

Company Information

Over time, a company information section is filled with all of its team’s experience and credits. But starting out, you will need to describe your new company in a more magnified manner.

For this portion, showcase your company and team along with its ideals and goals. Introduce your team members and their strengths tied to their position within the company. Provide ideals and goals for the company and where you foresee it in 20 years. Finish with subsequent projects the company intends to produce following the conclusion of this one-year plan.
Project Information

The Project Information component is all about the client. Beyond the details about them and their project, this is where you exhibit some creativity in the positioning statements you will propose for marketing purposes.

First, share: The Creative Team (the creator(s)), Title, type of media (short film, game, or app), Length (if a film) and Genre. Following this, provide various levels of Positioning Statements: Start with some great potential Hooks followed by the Logline and then the Premise Statement.
Distribution & Marketing Goals

The Distribution and Marketing Goals component is the answer to why this plan is being pitched by conveying the purposes for this plan.

What do you realistically hope to achieve through this plan? Don’t stop at return on investment and building awareness. Convey aspirations that go beyond this initial one-year investment. Remember you are trying to build a long-standing relationship with this potential client and their project.
Target Market

The Target Market component creates the basis and ability to focus this micro-budgeted plan down to the core of who you are trying to reach in the first year.

For the Target Market section, you want to make it clear through geographics (focused in to a specific city), demographics (Men or Women [expanding to the other gender can occur with secondary target markets], Reasonable age range [think life events for focus such as high school, college, early professional career, starting family, etc.], possible earning levels, etc.), psychographics (interests, beliefs, values, spending habits, etc.) and behavioristic (where they go and what they do or buy) This will greatly help ease the project team’s minds knowing every dollar spent is spent wisely. Be sure to not only provide the Primary Target Market based on the one-year plan but also a potential Secondary Target Market for future investment.
Include all references attained through research for all components of Part 1 of your team’s Course Project. Failure to include research to validate statements made within the Course Project may lead to grade reductions for not exhibiting an ability to justify. This will continue into your professional career though the ramifications normally could mean rejection of work in its entirety rather than a reduction in confidence in your work.

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