Professional Knowledge Base Paper


Paper should be 5-7 pages long (not including the cover page or references), and it should include all of the following topics:

1. Professional knowledge base. Describe how theories and research (EBP process) inform our professional knowledge base.

2. Primary social work theories. Briefly summarize the three levels of theories that inform social work practice (theoretical frameworks and perspectives, mid-level theories, and practice theories and models).

3. Application of theories to micro practice. Choose at least two of these theories and discuss how they informed micro practice at your first field placement.

4. Application of theories to macro practice. Choose at least two additional theories and discuss how they inform macro practice at your first agency.

5. Evaluation of approach. Demonstrate critical thinking by using our discussion of theory and EBP to critically appraise the strengths and limitations of the approach at your first field placement. Be sure to include a discussion of culture and whether the knowledge base is appropriate for the clients served at this agency. Close with some recommendations you might make to your agency leadership (Hospice). Include a discussion of strengths as well as areas of development regarding the use of the professional knowledgebase at your first field placement (Hospice).

Paper should contain at least 10 citations from high quality sources (a high quality resource is one that is published in a credible professional journal, and is well-supported and peer-reviewed.

Formal writing that reflects a thoughtful synthesis of the many principles covered and that exhibits a high level of professionalism. Clear organization, lucid points, a formal tone, conventional use of language, and formatting in the APA style.

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