Proposal for developing a coaching culture

Topic:Proposal for developing a coaching culture

Instruction; write a proposal for developing a coaching culture in a particular organization. As the author of this proposal, it does not matter if you assume that you are an outside consultant or an internal consultant to that organization. Choose an organization that you know fairly well, or research one. Your proposal should be about 10-15 pages in length and include at least the following:
• Cover page—Your name, company, and position and the title of the proposal.
• Executive summary—Similar to an abstract, give the reader a quick understanding of the proposal
• Organization Overview—Describe the organization and the current state of its coaching culture.
• Needs—What challenges does the organization have? What needs does it have that a coaching culture would address?
• Objectives—Measurable objectives for your particular plan.
• Proposed plan—Details of the plan you propose. This is the heart of the proposal and should be at least 4-5 pages long. How exactly would you implement a comprehensive long-term plan for creating a coaching culture? You may want to break this section down into the various areas that you would address. You may want to include training topics (and summaries) and/or procedural or policy changes. Anything is fair game – use your creativity.
• Implementation Timeline—In any format you like, give an indication of how long each part of your plan will take.
• Expected Outcomes—These should closely match your objectives.
• Resources needed—You may approximate,but be sure to let the reader get an idea of what is involved to implement the plan.
• Methods of evaluation—All programs should have built-in evaluation. How are you planning to determine how successful your program is as it is progressing?
Reference page with at least 7 supporting references. Must use – Ting, S. &Scisco, P. (Eds.). (2006). The CCL handbook of coaching: A guide for the leader coach.

Requirements are a must:
• APA 7 format
• Demonstrate knowledge of subject
• Use references more than once throughout paper
• Cite all material and Only cite reference that is used within paper
• Must be intentional regarding detail


Goleman, D. (1999). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review. November-December 1998. 93-102.
Grant, A. M. (2007). Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training. Industrial and Commercial Training,39(5), 257-266. doi:10.1108/00197850710761945
Hackman, J., &Wageman, R. (2005). A theory of team coaching. Academy of Management Review, 30(2), 269-287. doi: 10.5465/AMR.2005.16387885
McComb, C. (2012). Developing coaching culture: Are your managers motivated coaches? Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(2), 90-93.

Megginson, D., & Clutterbuck, D. (2006). Creating a coaching culture. Industrial and Commercial Training, 38(5), 232-237. doi:10.1108/00197850610677670
Pinos, V., Twigg, N. W., Parayitam, S., & Olson, B. J. (2006). Leadership in the 21st century: The effect of emotional intelligence. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 5, 61-74.
Ting, S. &Scisco, P. (Eds.). (2006). The CCL handbook of coaching: A guide for the leader coach.

Waldman, J. (2009). Introducing a coaching culture. Training Journal, Jan, 65-69.

Peterson, J. (2013, Apr 29). The Leader As Coach Igniting Performance. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
In this webinar, Joan Peterson, Senior Facilitator at Bluepoint Leadership Development shares how leaders within organizations can immediately coach for high performance by drawing upon the very best practices employed by professional coaches.
Rock, D, &Donde, R. (2008) Driving organizational change with internal coaching programs. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40(2), 75-80.

Additional resources are fine

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