Public Health Assignment

One page assignment

For the paper portion of the fast food assignment, go to any fast food or casual dining establishment and get the nutritional information for one (or more) items. Important categories to look at are serving size (and number of servings if over 1), calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and sugars. Feel free to report any additional findings you feel relevant (protein, vitamins, minerals, or anything else). The important part of the assignment is giving your impression of what these numbers mean to you and how it impacts how you view the food item(s) and if it changes future behavior (more likely to order, less likely to order, no change, etc.).

Normally, I have students write a short paper as described above and also present their findings in front of the class. Some choose just to present orally while others like to supplement with a PowerPoint. Because this is an online class, we can’t do a presentation in front of the class. However, I would like students to post their paper in a discussion board that I will open up. You can either write your findings out (or simply copy and paste your paper there) or you can make an audio, video, or PowerPoint presentation and attach it to the discussion post. If you need any additional clarification, please don’t hesitate to email me.

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