Reading Guide

In Class Reading Discussion Guide Template
SWK 496

Prior to the beginning of each class, you will be expected to submit a 1-2 page (typed, double-spaced) reaction to the assigned reading(s) for that day. This will be submitted through Canvas before the start of class. This does not need to be in APA format, you can list your name and the date, along with the chapters on the top left corner, then proceed with your response. All papers should be proofread for grammatical errors and content.

Your written summary is preparation for that week’s discussion. Students will be called on at random to share their responses.

Questions to answer in this reflection:

1. Give a one paragraph summary of the chapter that you read.
2. What was something that stood out to you in the chapter? OR, what was the most important concept in the reading and why?
3. What was something you read that you already knew going into the chapter?
4. What was something new you learned while reading the chapter?
5. What are 2-3 questions you have about something you read in the chapter? (i.e. Is there something you still do not understand, or something you need further explanation about?)
6. Choose one aspect of the chapter that you may fully agree with or disagree with. Explain your stance.

Scores on Weekly Reading Guides:

2- Completion of work, responses to all prompts given thoroughly and accurately, and student followed instructions.

1 – Missing one or more of the required prompts above or did not completely follow required instructions.

0 – Student did not complete the assignment.

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