research method


Background Information: As you learned, conducting research on a particular topic typically begins with the statement of a hypothesis. In our case, the one we came up with was “Attractive people are evaluated more positively than less attractive people.” There are many, many ways to test any hypothesis. As you saw, our hypothesis about attractiveness could be tested with laboratory experiments, field experiments, correlational studies, or archival studies.
Description: To complete the reflection paper, pick an aspect of human social behavior (not attractiveness) that interests you, and (1) come up with a hypothesis that you could test about that aspect of behavior. Then, come up with and (2) very briefly describe a study (of any kind – lab experiment, field experiment, correlational study, archival study – but define and explain what kind) that someone could conduct to test that hypothesis. Answers should be between 250-300 words long.
Grading Rubric:
Criteria: Inadequate (0) Adequate (1) Strong (2)
Hypothesis / Study Match:
Hypothesis is not clear (0)
Hypothesis is clear, but would not be tested by the study described (1)
Hypothesis is clear and would be tested by the study described(2)
Study Design:
The type of study in inaccurately identified, or is not identified at all. (0)
The type of study is correctly identified but there is no explanation as to how we know that it is that type (or the description is inaccurate) (1)
The type of study is correctly identified and there is an accurate explanation as to how we know that it is that type(2)

Study Description:
It is unclear what the study would entail(0)
There is a description of the study present, but key elements are missing from it(1)
A clear and complete description of what would occur in the study is provided(2)

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