School Counseling PPT
These are the Headings and subheadings for the PowerPoint.
• General Overview: Provide your audience with a brief overview of schoolcounseling.
• What is schoolcounseling?
• Who is a school counselor? Describe your education, training, andcredentials.
• What are your ethical and legal mandates as a schoolcounselor?
• Roles and Services: What roles and services does the school counselor provide? To whom? In what ways will you engage with stakeholders? Use the following as a startingpoint:
• Direct Services to students (e.g., individual counseling, group counseling, school counseling core curriculum, individual student planning; identify and describe the domains in which a school counselorpractices)
• Indirect Services (e.g., consultation and collaboration with teachers/staff, parents, post-secondaryschool personnel, and communityagencies)
• Describe to the faculty what they can expect from you in the context of your role in school leader- ship and advocacy at multiple levels (i.e., advocacy for the individual student; advocacy within the entire school context; and advocacy at the state and federal levels related to legislation and governmentpolicy).
• Program Organization:
• What is the ASCA National Model (describe in terms that non-school counselors willunderstand)?
• How will you determine needs for programservices?
• How will you measure effectiveness of the program and specificservices?
• How will you communicate effectiveness and gather feedback from stakeholders for continuous programimprovement?
Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
• Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent withexpectations for professional practice in education. Original work and critical thinking are required regarding your assessment and scholarly writing. Your writing must be free of errors that detract from the overallmessage.
• Media presentation: 8–12 slides, (excluding title page slide and reference slide) with notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone.
• Be creative!!!
• Resources: At least five current, peer-reviewed, scholarly resources other than the course text orassigned journal articles. Include citations at the end of thepresentation.
• APA guidelines: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Whenap- propriate, use APA-formattedheadings.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points forbullet-point text.
• The last slide will includeReferences