SOC 102 Essay Questions
Methods the PI will use to record data.
Please note that a specific consent form template is available for
Item 19 asked how long each participant would need to complete the research procedures. Item 26 refers to the time required for all the research data to be collected. For research using existing data, state “Not applicable.”
Identifying information may be collected on an instrument, or kept on a list that matches pseudonyms to the participants’ identity. Video recording is automatically considered identifying.
Stating a duration means that all data will be destroyed after that point.
Destroying data is not an requirement, but may be advisable for project involving risk above those of daily life, or per outside agency protocols.
data owned by another entity should state so here.
Procedures put in place to protect the participants’ information for as long as the PI plans to keep the research data.
All methods used to communicate or disseminate the research findings.
The items listed here must be identical to the ones listed under Use of Information in the attached consent templates.
Deception should only be used when absolutely necessary to maintain the integrity of the research findings. For research that uses it, the need should be explained in detail in part 2 of the application.
Costs may occur if participants incur a monetary loss in order to participate in the research. This may include, for instance, having to pay a fee to access research materials, or losing income due to the amount of time required to complete the research procedures.