special education
For this assignment, you will conduct an interview of a special education leader of your choice. This person may be a director of special education, a program specialist, and administrator or supervisor overseeing a special education program, a lead behaviorist, etc. You can conduct the interview in person, by phone, or virtually. The questions below are based on the Council for Exceptional Children Standards. You may copy and paste the responses to the questions below onto a new document. After posing the listed questions below, create at least 3 of your own questions to pose to the leader of your choice. You are encouraged to review standards from a professional organization that you find relevant to create your questions, however this is not required. If there are other questions that come to mind during the interview, please feel free to pose those. All responses should be in complete sentences in the form of a narrative or a detailed summary.
Interview Questions:
1. What are some current and/or emerging issues that you are witnessing as a leader in special education today?
2. How do you successfully manage these issues both legally and ethically?
3. What role do Evidence Based Practices (EBP) play in the programs you oversee?
4. How do you ensure that all team members remain current in their practice in order to ensure that EBPs are being implemented and implemented with fidelity?
5. What are some of the implications of working with diverse populations through culturally responsive leadership and policy development?
6. How can future leaders in special education become better prepared to work with members of diverse populations?
7. As a leader in special education, what strategies do you recommend for effective mentoring and coaching of other professionals to facilitate positive and effective working environments?
8. What role does current research play in your professional practice? How important is an awareness of current research to professionals in the field in your opinion?
9. What successful strategies have you used to advocate for necessary changes in program policies, guidelines, procedures, etc. in order to better meet the needs of stakeholders in special education?
10. (make up your own question here)
11. (make up your own question here)
12. (make up your own question here)
Part II: Reflection
Upon completion of the interview, you will compose a 2 page, APA formatted reflection (double-spaced) discussing the following:
1. What information shared in the interview was either consistent or inconsistent with key concepts, information, and materials we have addressed thus far in the course? Were there any recurrent themes? Cite at least 5 sources from the course materials to justify your responses in this section.
2. What resonated with you during the interview? Why?
3. As a future leader in special education yourself, what were the key ‘takeaways’ for you? Explain why these were so significant.
Rubric for Evaluation
50 Points
(45-50 points) Emerging
(40-44 points) Developing
(< 40 points)
Part I: Leader’s Answers to Questions 1-12
(20 points) All questions (#1-12) were posed to the interviewee and answered in great detail. All questions (#1-12) were posed to the interviewee but some were answered in vague detail. Not all 12 questions were posed in the interview and/or answers were vague or incomplete.
Part II: Reflection on Interview
(15 points) The candidate’s reflection contains explicit connections between the interview and course concepts.
Consistencies, inconsistencies, and key themes associated with course concepts are discussed in great detail.
Key takeaways are described, as were elements of the interview that resonated with the interviewer. The candidate’s reflection contains some connections between the interview and course concepts.
Consistencies, inconsistencies, and key themes associated with course concepts are discussed in some detail.
Key takeaways are described, as were elements of the interview that resonated with the interviewer but some details were lacking and/or vague. The candidate’s reflection is lacking clear connections between the interview and course concepts.
Consistencies, inconsistencies, and key themes associated with course concepts are either vaguely discussed or not discussed at all.
Key takeaways and elements of the interview that resonated with the interviewer are missing from the reflection.
APA, Spelling, Grammar, & Organization
(10 points) Very few APA formatting errors are observed in the paper.
The paper is organized, well written, with no spelling errors and few grammatical errors. A significant number of APA formatting errors are observed in the paper. Enough grammatical and/or spelling errors are present to affect the readability of the paper. APA guidelines were not followed OR many APA formatting errors are present in the paper. Organization of the paper is poor. Numerous spelling and/or grammatical errors noted.
References to Course Materials/Readings
(5 points) 5 or more references to the week’s readings/materials are included in the paper. 3-4 references to the week’s readings/materials are included in the paper. 2 or fewer references to the week’s readings/materials are included in the paper.