Stories of Identity
For your reflection journal, choose any class topic/theme that resonates most with you. Choose from the topics/themes/concepts that we have already covered (including week 4). Your reflection must be a critical analysis and an in-depth engagement with three class materials relating to your chosen topic/theme. So, for instance, you may reflect on feminism (history or concept of), womanism, a ‘single story’, intersectionality, identity, community, oppression, privilege.
Your reflection must be at least 500 words in length but not more than 700 words.
You must respond to the following prompts as you reflect:
What is your understanding of your chosen topic?
Why does it resonate with you?
How have some of our course materials impacted your understanding of this topic/concept?
Noting that we are all capable of being a change agent, what personal/social change relating to your topic/theme would you implement now or in the future?
Writing and MLA: As a major assignment worth 150 points, good writing and MLA are an important aspect of the assessment of your reflection. Writing well and getting the MLA format correctly now will be good practice for when you write the other major assignments.
Write at least 500 words or a most 700 words
Support your reflection with at least three class materials (you may include only one video- at least two of your course materials should be readings) with MLA in-text citation. For assistance with the MLA citation and format, check out our module on MLA Resources.
Your writing must follow the MLA format. See this sample (Links to an external site.)
Organize your reflection logically into paragraphs.
Make sure all of your words and ideas are your own. Do not plagiarize.