Surgical Site Infectiona
Directions for Library Assignment
Purpose of the Paper
One of the National Patient Safety Goals is to prevent infection. As a nurse working in a healthcare facility, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) have very profound effects on the client and healthcare. There are several purposes for this assignment. First, to help the student understand about the concepts of Infection Control, Safety,and Advocacy. Second,to help the student become more familiar and comfortable with writing a formal APA paper, usinglibrary resources, and the different data bases to find scholarly journals. Third, to use APA format.
Choose one of the following HAIs:
Intravascular Catheter Related Infection (BSI)
Central-Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI)
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)
• Write a two to three (2-3)page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) in which you will do the following:
a. Describe and explain HAIs.
b. Choose one of the specific HAIs and identify the etiology and those individuals who are at risk for developing this HAI.
c. State the latest statistical data concerning this HAI.
d. Describe safety measures utilized by healthcarefacilities to prevent, decrease or potentially eliminate the spread of HAIs.
e. Explain the role of the nurse in decreasing the spread of HAIs and how the nurse demonstrates caring and advocacy for the patient.
f. Reference a minimum of two (2)research articles, one (1) book, and two (2)web resources.
g. Resources should be no older than five (5) years.
h. Use APA format; be sure to include title page and references (the title page and reference page do not count toward the page limit on the paper length).
i. Submit your paper to Safe Assign and submit a hard copy of the paper and place in Mrs. Kempske mailbox in room STAT 108.
Grading Criteria Possible Points Faculty Assessment/Comments
• Describes and explain Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) 10
• Identifies the etiologyand those individuals who are at risk for developing aHAI 15
• States the latest statistical data 15
• Describessafety measures utilized by healthcare facilities to prevent, decrease or potentially eliminate the spread of HAIs 20
• Explainsthe role of the nurse in decreasing the spread of HAIs and how the nurse demonstrates caring and advocacy for the patient 20
• References a minimum of two (3) research articles, and two (2)web resources; resources should be no older than five (5) years. .
• Uses APA format: Proper title page, correct citations within the paper, correct references (only those cited in the paper), correct use of APA heading levels, double spaced; correct spelling, grammar, and syntax. (Do not need to do Running Head) 10
Total Points 100