The future of influencer marketing and Digitalization of the fashion industry


3000 words Research Proposal – 100% of grade for this unit

You are required to devise a 3,000-word, written research proposal on a topic chosen by you and approved by your tutor. You should select a topic that enables you to add to the body of knowledge or make an original contribution to knowledge in your subject area.

The research proposal forms the foundation on which your dissertation project will be built. It may relate closely to the design work you generate in term 4. It therefore needs to have a clear structure and to rigorously conform to postgraduate, academic standards and enables you to propose your practice as a research method and/or outcome of your research inquiry.

You should do the following:

o Select a topic of interest and current/emerging importance relating to fashion

o It is helpful to do a mind map of the topic, drawing out every possible aspect of it, in order to help you identify an area for focused, innovative research.

o Read a wide range of academic articles from journals (these show current/recent research on your topic/related topics; books; and other relevant sources. It is important to use credible, academic sources as much as possible, although you may draw on some industry reports or other sources where relevant).

o Keep a list of what you have read, using Harvard Referencing style – this may form the basis of your literature review, reference list and bibliography.

o Keep a file of images that you will use within the proposal to illustrate important points – and their sources.

o You may also need to conduct a contextual review, visiting exhibitions, stores, museums etc. in order to better understand your topic, taking photographs/sketching/making notes.

o As you read more, you should identify what has already been said/done already and where you can add to the knowledge of a topic, or make an original contribution to knowledge of the topic.

o Write review of the literature, structuring it in a clear and logical manner to support the points you are trying to establish. Cite all sources of ideas/knowledge accurately in the text.

o Your research question will begin to form and can then be articulated. It relates to the aim of your research.

o When you have established your aim, you must then consider how to achieve it. There will be objectives that you must reach in order to do so. The primary research methods to be used to achieve others of these – in the dissertation phase – must be identified and justified in the research proposal.

Your research proposal must be submitted in A4 word or PDF format, through Turnitin.


● Table of Contents – this must make the proposal easy for the reader to navigate. Make sure that all pages are numbered and accurately referenced in the table of contents.

● Introduction – this should set out the nature of the proposal, introduce the topic to be investigated and give justification (rationale) and background to the proposed research. Approx: 500 words

● Aim – There should only be 1 aim for the research.

● Objectives – Write 3 to 5 objectives that will enable you to fulfil the aim. Your objectives should refer to specific research activities accompanied with measurable outcomes, which you expect to help you achieve your research Aim.

● Literature Review* – Show that you have begun to read around the subject area. Discuss the contribution of other authors to your research topic: what have other authors said about your topic? You should discuss relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks you will use to underpin your project.

The literature should be critically analysed and reasoned, and must support the aim and

objectives. Approx: 1500 words

● Methodology* – Show how you are going to achieve the objectives you have set out. This should focus on primary research. Approx.: 500 words.

● Ethical Issues – Show that you have considered the ethical issues that might arise with the proposed research, and adhered to MMU’s Code of Ethics. Approx: 200 words.

● Conclusion/Summary – In the Research Proposal this would be ‘expected conclusions’, as the full research itself has not yet been done. You are also required to outline any issues which could have an impact on the intended outcomes of your project. Approx: 300 words

**In total you should have around 3000 words when you have completed all these sections above.

The blow sections do not add to the word count calculation:

● References – All material that you have referred to must be included and you must use the Harvard method of citation referencing.

● Bibliography – Include details of any books, articles and journals that you have read but not used yet.

● Appendix:

– Appendix B: Critical Path – Suggest realistic timings for the various parts of the research indicating where you might fit in some contingency time in case of any unexpected difficulties with your work. Remember to leave plenty of time at the end for typing up and binding etc.

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