The Geography of the paella valenciana
Please note that you have been officially assigned to research Paella (Spain) to compose your Individual Exercise. When you read the Instructions for the completion of this assignment and take a good look at the map Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication (Getis et al. 2009: 222), you will see that Spain is located within the Mediterranean region of domestication. For this reason, and as mentioned in the Instructions, any plant/animal domesticated in this region should be listed in your table using only one of the following terms (either): Mediterranean or Native, including salt (since this mineral can be found almost anywhere is the world. In addition, ingredients included in this recipe and domesticated in the SW Asia region of domestication would be the only examples of expansion diffusion (domesticated in nearby regions); while all others will be considered examples of relocation diffusion (plant/animals domesticated in faraway region and introduced to this country or region). Finally, please remember that, any plant or animal by-product that is included in your dish (i.e., oil, paprika, vinegar, chicken stock), this/these must be cited in your table by including first the source (animal/plant), followed by the name of the ingredient. For example, olive (oil), bell pat (breadcrumbs), grapes (vinegar), sugarcane (sugar).
The essay must answer three broad questions: Where? Why? (and how?), and, So what? (or, why is this important?). For example, where is the center of domestication of the plants and animals included in your recipe located? Why (and how) were these (plants and animals) ingredients introduced to the region where these recipes were developed? The “So what?” (or, in other words, “why is this important?”) question is an overview of the principle elements of your recipe and must include a conclusion’s paragraph of your analysis clearly stating the connection with the topic of globalization (why is your traditional dish a good example of globalization?).
Considering these question, I would suggest you to structure your work as follows:
a) Introduce the topic of globalization in the context of this assignment, using key definitions (included in the course textbook – and cite it in your essay and in your Reference/Bibliography section, showing command of these terms- and in the Instructions files): Food as an indicator of cultural identity (ethnic, national, regional, etc.). Globalization (why is your dish an example of globalization?); Cultural Diffusion: Expansion Diffusion (i.e., The Agriculture Revolution; ingredients introduce from nearby regions of domestication). Relocation Diffusion (i.e., the Age of Discovery and Colonization, the Slave Trade, The Columbian Exchange; ingredients introduced from far away locations –Mediterranean ingredients used in Meso-American dishes). Acculturation/Cultural Hybridization (i.e., the use of chili peppers (Meso-American) in Thai (South and Southeast Asia) or regional Chinese (North Central China) cuisines, for example.
b) Describe the origin (region of domestication) of the ingredients included in your recipe. Answer here the Where question (how many ingredients are considered native? how many are introduced –exotic? What is the relative contribution of each region of domestication to the make-up of your dish?).
c) Analyze how the exotic (non-native) ingredients were introduce to the region/country of origin of your dish, answering the Why and How questions. Show knowledge of the terms cultural diffusion by stating which ingredients were introduced by expansion diffusion? which were introduced by relocation diffusion?
d) Conclusions: Answer the question, “Why is your dish a good example of globalization (or not)?” (So what? or, why is this important?).