The Servant Leader Topic 6
1) Topic 6 DQ 1
In Chapter 9 of the textbook, Laub argues that a servant organization “is one in which the characteristics of servant leadership are displayed through the organizational culture and practiced by the leadership and the workforce.” Select one of the servant leader organizations from “Fortune’s Best Companies to Work for With Servant Leadership” and explain how the characteristics of servant leadership are displayed and practiced within that organization. (*Note: Do not use SWA or TDIndustries.) Minimum 100 words
2) Topic 6 DQ 2
Develop a vision statement for any organization of your choice. Your vision statement should be designed to encourage a high-performing and competitive future for the organization and promote servant leadership. Keep the vision under 50 words.
(Please let me know if you have any problems to open this link)
3) I will have this question within the week but will an extended due date. This question has already been added to word count for payment. ( minimum 75 words)
4) I will have this question within the week but will an extended due date. This question has already been added to word count for payment. ( minimum 75 words)
5) I will have this question within the week but will an extended due date. This question has already been added to word count for payment. ( minimum 75 words)
6) I will have this question within the week but will an extended due date. This question has already been added to word count for payment. ( minimum 75 words)
(Chapter 11 starts on page 137 for above link)
Read Chapters 2, 4, and 11, by Riggio, Chaleff, and Lipman-Blumen, from The Art of Followership: How Great Followers Create Great Leaders and Organizations (2008).
Chapter 2 and 4 is attached as pdf. This is for question below.
How can servant leadership impact followers’ attitudes and behaviors in organizations? (minimum 100 words and require 1 resource from links or readings attached.