Victim experience


What can be done to make the experience of the victim better in the criminal justice system? If you were in charge what specific things would you want to see done and why? What do we do right and what can we improve upon? What are some alternative directions for the future? Go into as much detail as possible and explain why these are the most significant changes that can help. Make sure you discuss any relevant aspects of the criminal justice system (police, courts, and/or corrections). Also include any of these issues in your discussion where important: civil rights for victims, civil suits, compensation and restitution, court appearances and victim impact statements.


Your answer should be minimally 1500 words total. The essay should be based on class lectures and discussions, and the readings from your entire textbook and extra readings/videos posted in Blackboard. Please do not quote directly from your textbook. Make sure you paraphrase any ideas of others by putting them into your own words. You may use other resources (although you do not need to). You must cite other sources besides the ones from our class if you use them. You must cite them APA style in your writing, and you need a reference page at the end done APA style as well.

Within the assignment link, CLICK ‘WRITE SUBMISSION” and then type your answer within the text box provided. DO NOT type your written assignment within the “Comments” box. For this assignment, you may ALSO, after typing your answer within the Write Submission text box, attach a second copy of your paper if you so choose (attachment is not required).

Good luck and have fun! Also remember to put your word count at the end of the assignment.

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