Week 4: Resilient Mujeres of the Late 19th and early 20th Centuries Options Menu: Forum


1. Write responses that clearly, cleanly (free of error). Use textual evidence to support your intellectual evaluations and critical interpretations of Jovita Idar’s “For Our Race,” “We Should Work,” and Fabiola Cabeza de Vaca Gilbert’s “The Herb Woman.”

2. Be sure to BOLD in your posts where you include any weekly literary and historical terms to refer to the literature and assist your critical analysis.

3. Reply to one classmate in a way that RESPECTFULLY questions and/or applauds their intellectual responses.

Purpose: To build your close reading, literary and cultural analysis skills. To strengthen your ability to support your literary argument with textual evidence from the weekly readings. To demonstrate understanding and application of weekly literary/historical terms. To strengthen your writing skills.

Week 2 – 4 Literary and Historical Terms: Memoir, hagiography, captivity narrative, ethnographic, Mestizo voice, Casta paintings, gente de razón, sin uso de razón, español, indio, thesis statement, colorism, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, historical romance novel, colorism, liminality, intersectionality, intra-cultural conflict, ensayo feminista, curandera

1. First, discuss who was Fabiola Cabeza de Vaca Gilbert and why she is a liminal figure. This can be done in under 100 words. Then, address this question about “The Herb Woman”:

How does “The Herb Woman” celebrate the wisdom and medicinal knowledge of Seña Martina while hinting at the intra-cultural tension of social inequalities among Nuevo Mexicana women? (Minimum 200 words)

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