Will the Search for Extraterrestrial Life Ever Succeed?
Activities 1-19 are paper topics that will be a continuation of the in class reading. You are required to explore a minimum of three (3) outside sources that further/expand the support of one of the sides discussed in the book. The in-class text does not count as a source but should be referenced if used. The text, Easton, I considr more of a writing prompt. These papers are not summaries of the textbook readings, but are an integration of new and updated material. The rubric is based off the following information, missing one of the following components will affect the rubric and will increase the likelihood of you revising the assignment. Make sure you include the following criteria. (EWP requirement is a minimum of 750 words (body of the text). And when submitting the document; specify in the comments section, that it will be used as an EWP writing submission.
The document should be written in a concise manner and prepared in a professional way. All reports must be typed and follow a professional style and format. The report should be informative, detailed, and however, concise for technical readers.
The report should be based on factual observation and resources instead of speculation. At least 3 sources not including the class textbook. Sources must have intext citations and sourced on a reference page. All papers must go through Turn-It-In similarity reporting. The rating of your paper will be lowered as the similarity of the paper increases. (example the similarity report “40%” the paper will be deducted by 40% of the total score and will need to be revised. A paper that exceed 50% on the report will not be accepted and receive a “0” point value for the assignment.)
Use double spacing and 1” margins on the left side, top, and bottom. A 1” margin is standard for the right side. Text should be 12pts Times New Roman.
Cover pages are not required; if one is included, it does not count toward document length criteria. Headers also do not count towards the word count. Document will be no less than 750 words and no more than 800 words.
Reference page are required, as well as, in text citations, but does not count towards document length criteria.
Figures and tables should be placed as close to the text as possible and labeled appropriately.
Paper topics/activities are listed at the end of the syllabus. You are welcome to choose any of the topics. You are only able to write on the topic once. You will gain background information on many of the topics from the class textbook.
Your papers are to have the following naming format “TOPIC_A1(assignment 1)_YOURLASTNAME_FIRST INITIAL.docx or .pdf. Example “CELL PHONE AND CANCERA4_ROBERTS_S.pdf”