Task 1: Reaction to the paper titled “Indian Education”
Write a reaction of at least one page over the reading. What was your initial reaction? Was anything unclear? Surprising? Informative? How did it make you feel? Why? How? Anything shocking? Enlightening?
Task 2: Letter writing (one-and-a-half-page length)
This assignment once again offers you the opportunity to exercise a little creativity, if you so choose. Assume that you have been romantically involved for several years (the exact length and nature of this involvement you can determine for yourself) with one particular person. However, because of changes in yourself, your partner, or perhaps both of you, you found the relationship unfulfilling for some time. Therefore, you broke off the relationship by means of a Dear John or Dear Jane letter. You inflicted as little pain as possible in your letter, but you did not offer any hope that you may change your mind. After contemplating your relationship, you have decided that you made a mistake. Write a one to one and one-half essay-letter in which you attempt to reconcile – mending and repairing your relationship. The catch (and difficulty) is – You cannot use the word (or any variation) of “you” in this essay-letter.