Writing Better Test Items for High IQ children
Section I – True/False
T/F items are popular because they are easy and quick to write – or seem to be; however, good T/F items are not that easy to write.
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine which are good (G) and which are poor (P)
__1. High IQ children always get high grades in school
__2. Will Rogers stated, “I never met a man I didn’t like.”
__3. If a plane crashed on the Mexican-US border, half the survivors would be buried in Mexico and half in the United States.
__4. The use of double negatives is not an altogether undesirable characteristic of diplomats and academicians.
__5. Prayer should not be outlawed in schools.
__6. Of the objective items, true/false items are the least time consuming to construct.
__7. The trend toward competency testing of high school graduates began in the late 1970s and represents a big step forward for slow learners.
Section II – Completion
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine which are good (G) and which are poor (P)
__1. The evolutionary theory of ______ is based on the principle of ________.
__2. Columbus discovered America in ______.
__3. The capital of Mexico is ______.
__4. In what year did William J. Clinton become president of the United States? ______
__5. ______ blanks cause much frustration in ______.
__6. ______ was the first American to ______.
Section III – Multiple Choice
MC items are unique in that they enable the teacher to measure at the higher levels of taxonomy as well as at the basic knowledge level.
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine which are good (G) and which are poor (P)
__1. U.S. Grant was an
__2. In what year did humans first set foot on the Moon
__3. The free-floating structures within the cell that synthesize protein are called
free ribosomes
__4. The principal value of a balanced diet is that it
increases your intelligence
gives you something to talk about with friends
promotes mental health
promotes physical health
improves self-discipline
__5. Some test items
are too difficult
are objective
are poorly constructed
have multiple defensible answers
__6. Which of the following are not associated with pneumonia?
quiet breathing
clear chest X-ray
a and c
b and c
__7. When 53 American were held hostage in Iran,
the United States did nothing to try to free them.
The United States declared war on Iran
the United States first attempted to free them by diplomatic means and later attempted rescue
the United States expelled all Iranian students
__8. the square root of 256 is
4 x 4
both a and c
both b and c
all of the above
none of the above
__9. When a test item and the objective is intended to measure match in learning outcome and conditions, the item
is called an objective item
has content validity
is too easy
should be discarded
Dimensions of Learning II
EDU 503
Belhaven University
Unit 5, Part 2
Class Introduction
Test-item development is a critical
component of classroom instruction. Test-
item development for day-to-day instructional
practice is often without blueprint specifics
and meeting the following targets:
Measuring desired skill(s) and objective
Minimum scoring time
Objective rather than subjective
Informing the daily instructional practice
Topics we’ll cover
Developing Good Test Items—learn and explore
rules for creating a better test item for a valid
Class Objectives
Learn and explore rules for creating a better test
item for a valid assessment.
Biblical Foundation
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do
everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Deciding on a testing format
The choice of item format is sometimes
determined by your instructional objectives.
At other times, the advantages and
disadvantages of the different formats should
influence your choice.
What is the goal of your test?
Design items where guessing is minimized
Test items should be objective in scoring
Print the handout “Test Item Activity”; then record your answers on your printout
Pretest your knowledge: Determine whether each of the test items are good (G) or poor (P)
Interactive activity
True-False items
True-false items
require less time to construct
are most prone to guessing § have a variety of other faults
Faults include (features that make poor items):
Absolutes in wording (i.e., always, all, never, only)
Double negatives
Double-barreled statements (i.e., use of and, or)
Excessive wordiness
A tendency to reflect statements taken verbatim from readings (w/o context, or out of context)
Section I – True/False
T/F items are popular because they are easy and quick to write – or seem
to be; however, good T/F items are not that easy to write.
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine
which are good (G) and which are poor (P).
__1. High IQ children always get high grades in school
__2. Will Rogers stated, “I never met a man I didn’t like.”
__3. If a plane crashed on the Mexican-US border, half the survivors
would be buried in Mexico and half in the United States.
__4. The use of double negatives is not an altogether undesirable
characteristic of diplomats and academicians.
__5. Prayer should not be outlawed in schools.
__6. Of the objective items, true/false items are the least time consuming
to construct.
__7. The trend toward competency testing of high school graduates began
in the late 1970s and represents a big step forward for slow learners.
1- always is an absolute and absolutes (all, always, never) cue student that the question is
2-G – in order to answer, students would have to know that Will Rogers made the statement
3-survivors are not buried, and students would suspect this is a trick question. This statement
should have perhaps used fatalities instead of survivors
4-not and undesirable are both negatives – a single negative in a test question is confusing
enough for students, make positive statements instead – The use of double negatives is an
altogether desirable trait of diplomats and academicians. However, this item is still flawed in
that it states an opinion, not a fact. It is better written “According to the National Institute of
Diplomacy, the use of double negatives is a desirable trait of diplomats and academicians.”
5-opinion – therefore not obviously true or false. Rewritten, “The ACLU has taken the position
that prayer should not be outlawed in schools” and Notice the negative not is italicized, when
using a negative, italicize!
6-G-this is factual information from the text
7-this is a double-barreled item…there are two parts, the learner has to determine if both are
true or both are false or is one false and one true … simply construct two items here
The trend toward competency testing of high school graduates began in the late 1970s
The trend toward competency testing represents a big step forward for slow learners
True/False key
Instructions for marking true or false should be explained
Construct statements that are definitely true or definitely false –
opinions must be attributed to a source
Use relatively short statements and eliminate extraneous material
Keep true and false statements at approximately the same length
and approximately of equal number
Avoid double negatives, absolutes and terms denoting indefinite
degrees (long time, regularly, never, only),
Avoid patterns TTFFTTFF OR TFTFTFTF and so on,
Avoid taking statements from the text and presenting them out of
And, always allowing the student the opportunity for a restricted
response to explain why the statement is false is good practice
How to construct good true/false items
Completion Items
Completion items (fill in the blank) § rival true-false items in ease of construction. § Since answers must be supplied, they are
least subject to guessing. § require more scoring time
Faults include: § Too many blanks § Lack of specificity (too many potential
responses) § Failure to state a problem
Section II – Completion Items
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine which
are good (G) and which are poor (P)
__1. The evolutionary theory of ______ is based on the principle of ________.
__2. Columbus discovered America in ______.
__3. The capital of Mexico is ______.
__4. In what year did William J. Clinton become president of the United States?
__5. ______ blanks cause much frustration in ______.
__6. ______ was the first American to ______.
Completion – Key
1-avoid more than one blank per question. The evolutionary
theory of Darwin is based on the principle of survival of the
2-most people would choose Good; however, a plausible
answer could be fifteenth century
3-poor as “is larger than the capital of Alaska,” or “is a
beautiful city” … rewritten, “The name of the capital city of
Mexico is _____.”
4-G because no other answer seems plausible here
5 & 6 too many blanks
Suggestions for Writing Completion (or
Supply) Items
If possible, items should require a single-word answer/brief and definite statement.
The answer required is factually correct.
Omit clue/key words Don’t eliminate so many elements that the sense of the content is impaired.
Write the blank near the end of the sentence rather than near the beginning.
This will prevent awkward sentences.
If the problem requires a numerical answer, indicate the units in which it is to be expressed (pounds, inches, etc.)
Multiple-Choice Items
Multiple-choice items § Measure behavior at higher levels of taxonomy (ex:
comprehension +) § most difficult of the objective items to construct § Should be used with caution on younger children
Faults included: § Grammatical cues or specific determiners § Multiple defensible answers § Unordered option lists § Stem clues § Opinionated statements § Lack of a problem statement in the stem § Redundant wording § Wordiness in the correct option § Use of “all of the above” § Indiscriminate use of “none of the above”
Section III – Multiple Choice
They are unique in that they enable the teacher to measure at the higher levels of taxonomy as well as at the basic
knowledge level.
Instructions: Consider the following and use common sense to determine which are good (G) and which are poor (P).
1-grammatical clue “an” eliminates options a, b, and d – better written
Grant was a/an and there are multiple defensible answers! Better
written … Who was elected president after the Civil War? A) U.S.
Grant B) Andrew Johnson C) Abraham Lincoln D) Andrew Jackson
2-G – always arrange dates in chronological order
3-stem clue – eliminate the word free
4-opinion- rewritten better is “The USDA states that the principal ….”
5-more than one defensible answer
6-gramatical clue – are – make substitute is/are AND always use this
format sparingly AND, italicize NOT
7-eliminate redundancy in options, also length of options is a giveaway
and test-wise students will be able to guess correctly – avoid where
correct answers are 1.5 times the length of incorrect options
8-“none of the above” should be used sparingly, test-wise students
tend to choose “none of the above” and the correct option is e
Multiple Choice – Key