i need help with this hw

Description Basic Containers Implementations See the posted file “LinkedList.pdf” “LinkedList.cpp” and “CircList.pdf” “CircList.cpp” which contain source code to implement a simple “list” container using 2 different implementations. Also see “Containers.pdf” which has some helpful things in it. Use these above resources as a starting point or “code base” to implement the following: A) New Programs Write SEVEN separate programs using the 2 implementations below: 1) Stack Using a circular array implementation 2) Queue Using a circular array implementation 3) Priority Queue Using a circular array implementation 4) Stack Using a linked node implementation 5) Queue Using a linked node implementation 6) Priority Queue Using a linked node implementation B) Diagrams DRAW some kind of diagram to illustrate the operation of every function. C) Analysis Analyze, state, and explain the TIME COMPLEXITY in Big Oh notation for every function. D) Interface Functions Both implementations will share the same set of interface functions below The Stack must implement the following functions: push(data); appends data to the head of the list char pop(void); removes the head node and returns data; returns –1 if empty char peek(void); returns a copy of data at the head but does not remove the head; returns –1 if empty bool isempty(void); returns true if the stack is empty, returns false otherwise

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